Chapter 35- Packages & Letters

Start from the beginning

“I don’t know how to explain it. I heard a lot of things,” I said barely audible.

“Momma, get the doctor. Bridget’s out of breath,” Luke demanded of his momma.

She obliged his request. It was moments later when the doctor was coming into the room. Luke hadn’t left my side he held my right hand so fiercely that one would think I was trying to leave.

“Ms. Bowman, how are you feeling?” the doctor said. It was the strange female voice, the one who told Luke he had to wait.

I opened up my mouth to talk, but nothing came out except gasps for air. Luke began to panic.

“It’s okay. This is perfectly normal. More than likely your esophagus is irritated from surgery,” She said as she placed an oxygen mask over my face. “I’m Dr. Meredith Jacobs. I performed the surgery on your hand. Your fiancée saved you a lot of problems by wrapping that shirt around your hand.”

“He’s good like that,” I managed to say with a smile.

“Tia is the one who told me to do it. I panicked,” Luke informed me.

“Who’s Tia?” Dr. Jacobs asked.

“She’s the one with purple in her hair that was here last night. She’s our nanny,” Luke explained to her.

“Okay. Well, I have some great news for you,” Dr. Jacobs directed her attention back to me, “You have responded well to the transfusion and your hand is looking great so far. Looks like you should be able to go home in the next day or so. You will have to have some physical therapy, but you will regain all control over your hand.”

“What about the baby?” Luke asked reading my mind or so it felt.

“As of right now, the baby is fine. They will come up in a little bit and take Bridget for an ultrasound to be sure. After that her obstetrician will come up and talk over a few things with you. If all goes well with that and continues to stay that way over the course of 24 hours Bridget will be able to go home,” Dr. Jacobs explained as I dozed in and out.

“So, she’s out of the woods?” Luke questioned.

“She’s going to be okay. I can’t speak for your child, but in every other aspect yes,” Dr. Jacobs answered as she left the room.

Luke just continued to hold my hand. It wasn’t much longer when a nurse from the obstetrics floor came up and got me for my ultrasound.

“You ready?” she asked as after introducing herself.

“We’re ready,” I said softly.

Luke never let go of my hand gently squeezing it every so often on our trip down the elevator. The nurse was very nice and was very aware of how nervous Luke and I both were. She squeezed the gel over my abdomen and gently started the ultrasound. She was smiling.

“Do you hear that?” she asked as she turned the speakers up on the ultrasound machine.

“It’s her heartbeat,” Luke smiled. I just smiled back at him.

“It’s your baby’s heartbeat,” the nurse confirmed, “Have you found out the sex of the baby?”

“No,” I said.

“Okay. Do you want to know?” the nurse asked.

“Isn’t it too early to tell?” I asked.

“It’s possible, but it don’t hurt to look,” she answered.

Luke and I just looked at each other as she rolled the device across my belly. It was like we were both thinking the same thing, we might find out if our little peanut is a boy or girl. I would be lying if I said I wasn’t hopeful we could find out, but I knew it was just too early.   

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