Chapter 95- ACM Cabela's Archery Event

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"I really don't feel right leaving the kids this weekend," Bridget said to me as my bus pulled into AT&T Stadium in Dallas, Texas.

"It's just one weekend. They'll be okay," I assured her, "It's just those pregnancy nerves getting to you. You were the same way when you were pregnant with the twins."

"It just feels different this time. I feel like I forgot something," Bridget informed me.

"There's nothing that you could have forgotten that Tia can't take care of," I told her with great confidence, "It's not like Tia is new to the family or anything."

"But there is some things that Tia can't take care of, like..." Bridget trailed off.

"Like what?" I asked my wife curiously.

"Nevermind. It's nothing," She said as she plopped down on the couch next to me.

"You want to go get something to eat? I'm kind of hungry," I asked her while the Caleb parked the bus.

"I guess. I've got to change first though," Bridget told me as she wiggled around next to me trying to get comfortable.

"Are you going to get changed so we can go?" I questioned her.

"I guess," Bridget groaned before getting up and going into the bedroom closing the door behind her.

I stretched out on the couch and quickly drifted off to sleep not realizing that I was completely exhausted. I have no clue how long I laid there and slept. When I eventually started to rustle around I was smelling something and it smelled delicious. I stirred a little bit more before opening my eyes and seeing Bridget sitting at the table with Cole and Kerri. They were eating. The second I realized they were I sat straight up.

"What the hell, Bridge?" I asked in shock that she didn't wake me up.

"Your ass was knocked out. I wanted food so I went and got food. Do you have a problem with that?" Bridget informed me with all the pregnancy attitude she could muster as I just rolled my eyes.

"What did you get?" I asked while getting up off the couch.

"She got some kind of weird pizza. I got Chinese. And she got some kind of Indian concoction," Cole informed me.

"What did I get?" I asked curiously.

"Ummm...." Bridget said before shoving another bite of pizza in her mouth.

"Seriously Bridge?" I said.

"Well, I guess you can have a slice of my pizza," Bridget sighed with her mouth full of pizza.

"What kind is it?" I asked as I lifted up the top of the Papa John's box, "Oh, its chicken cordon bleu!"

Cole looked at me like I was completely weird as I starting shoving the pizza in my mouth. While I was finishing the first slice I went to grab a second and Bridget smacked my hand.

"Ouch!" I squealed, "What was that for?"

"You ain't going to sit here and eat all my pizza!" Bridget screamed at me.

"Don't get all protective over a damn pizza!" I exclaimed as I grabbed the slice I was after.

"Ya'll should probably chill just a little bit before someone hears you and a bunch of drama get started," Kerri informed us.

"I'll chill as soon as Luke stays the hell away from my pizza," Bridget educated everyone all why rolling her eyes at me.

I took my slice and sat back down on the couch. Not quite sure what to do, but Bridget's pregnancy hormones were raging. I'm not so sure I can last if it stays this bad. Silence filled the bus for the next twenty minutes or so while everyone ate.

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