Chapter 79- I Tried

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The sun began to rise and I was wide awake. The memories of the night before played in my mind. I had walked over top of Bridget from the second she got home from New York City. I completely get why she unloaded on me last night. Honestly, I don't blame her. I have to make up for it some way, somehow. I rolled over and watched Bridget as she slept.She was so peaceful and stress-free. Her blonde hair was down and her soft curls were framing her face. Her fingernails and toenails were perfectly manicured, painted a soft pink. Her perfectly tanned skin was glowing as it peered from the edges of my t-shirt she had worn to bed, leaving just enough to the imagination to drive me wild. I had to shake the thoughts of waking her and ravishing her before I got into trouble. Especially after last night. As much as I wanted it, it would have to be her decision. I gently brushed several strands of hair away from her face and began my apology from last night all over again.

"I'm so, so sorry for acting like a jackass the past few days. You never deserved to be treated the way I treated you. You have bent over backwards for me since the day I destroyed the house, even before then. I'll do everything in my power to change how I've been acting. Please don't leave me again. I just can't live without you. You are my everything. My rock. You've been my saving grace. I don't know what I would do without you. I've loved you forever. I'll always love you. You are the most beautiful, precious, amazing woman I've ever met. You have given me three beautiful children and taken in two as your very own. You've never treated them any different. They are yours just as much as they are mine. I couldn't be more proud to call you mine. I'll never do this again. I promise to always be by your side and to be your partner in life. I promise to be a father to our children and not another child to you. I promise to give you the world. I promise to love you until I take my last breath," I apologized to my sleeping wife yet again as I leaned down and lightly kissed her peach colored lips.

I easily rolled out of bed, making sure not to disturb Bridget as she slept and crept down to the kitchen. I made a pot of coffee and pondered how I could start trying to makeup everything that has happened to Bridget. My stomach growled and it hit me. I can make breakfast for everyone. Sure it won't be much more than bacon, sausage, and eggs, but it's something. And the biggest plus is that Bridget won't have to cook it. As the coffee started to kick in I started rooting around getting out everything I needed for breakfast. I got the bacon and sausage in two separate skillets frying as I crack over a dozen eggs into a bowl and start scrambling them as Kris and Kenzie came into the kitchen.

"What are you doing?" Kris asked me as she grabbed the orange juice out of the fridge.

"I'm making breakfast. Will you grab me the shredded cheese while you are in there?" I asked.

"Daddy, what's that smell?" Kenzie asked me.

"Bacon and sausage cooking," I said with my back turned to the stove.

"No, I think something is burning," Kenzie said as I turned to see the bacon and sausage both burning in the pan.

"Shit," I shouted as I grabbed the pans one at a time with my left hand and threw them into the sink.

The entire kitchen was filled with smoke and we opened the back door to filter some of it out before it woke up Bridget. As Kenzie stood in a chair to turn the ceiling fan up Til and Jordan came into the kitchen curious as to what was going on. In a matter of seconds all five of us were trying to get the entire smoke-filled kitchen filtered out, but it was too late.

"What the hell happened to my kitchen?" Bridget asked as she walked in and that's when I noticed the spilled orange juice on the counter and the grease I had spilled on the floor from the stove to the sink.

"I'm sorry," I said as we all stopped what we were doing.

"What happened?" Bridget said standing in the doorway.

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