Chapter 71- What? No!

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It’s been a week since we have been home and we are actually supposed to head back to Leesburg in a few days for the reading of Lee’s will, but Bridget has her first appointment today and we will get to officially find out how far along Bridget is. Everything has been going well with the pregnancy, but I am a little worried because she has had a little bit of cramping over the past few days. Bridget swears it’s nothing to be worried about. It still isn’t stopping me from worrying though.

“Are you ready to go yet?” I asked Bridget as I grabbed the keys off the counter in the kitchen.

“Give me just a minute. I’m trying to get my shoes on,” Bridget shouted from the living room as Kinley was jumping around on the couch next to her. I moved to the doorway and watched as Bridget continued trying to get her shoes on.

“Kin-Kin! Stop jumping!” Jordan scolded my youngest daughter.

I watched as Jordan grabbed her, sitting her down on the floor next to Keegan. Kris and Kenzie was pulling a box of Christmas stuff down out of the closest in the foyer and Til was in the floor playing with the boys. I am glad that Jordan, Kris, and Til decided to come up for a while. Our house was chaos with five kids running around, but with eight it was much worse than that. I admit that I love it though. I would love it if my nieces and nephew moved in with us, but that would be something I would have to discuss with Bridget.

“Tia’s up at the guest house getting some things together and will be here soon. If you need anything just call her,” Bridget told Jordan, “Are you sure you can do this?”

“I’m fine, Bridge,” Jordan smiled, “You just go I want to know when to expect the new one.”

“Alright,” Bridget said before telling the kids goodbye.

“We’ll be back in an hour or so,” I said as Bridget helped me out the door, “Bye.”

“I’m worried she’s in over her head,” Bridget told me as we loaded into my truck.

“She’s going to be fine. We’ll get home and the kids will still be living and Jordan will still have all her hair,” I assured her as Bridget pulled out of the driveway.

“Luke, it’s not a joking matter. Jordan’s not used to watching so many kids at one time,” Bridget informed me while her focus remained on the road.

“And Tia’s only at the guest house. If Jordan don’t think she can handle the kids she’ll call Tia. It’s not like Kenzie, Kris, and Til aren’t really watching themselves anyway. And Til has had the boys occupied all morning. Truly Jordan’s only watching the twins,” I said to my wife.

“I just don’t know if she can handle it,” Bridget voiced her concern.

“She’ll be okay,” I told Bridget as I reached over and grabbed her hand, gently squeezing it, “Just quit worrying so much. It’s not good for the baby or you.”

“I guess you’re right,” Bridget sighed.

I could tell she was still worried, but there really wasn’t anything I could do. I never let go of her hand while she drove to her doctor’s office. Dr. McCall’s office was full of women, but we were in a room within a matter of minutes. Bridget had blood drawn and we were left to wait for the doctor. We sat in silence. Bridget sat on the examination table and I stood next to her until Dr. McCall came into the room.

“Congratulations!” Dr. McCall said as she entered the room and sat on a stool, “The test came back positive. Looks like you’re going to have another baby!”

“Yeah, thanks,” Bridget said plainly.

“Aren’t you excited?” Dr. McCall asked Bridget, but she remained silent.

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