Chapter 84- Crash My Playa- Part 1

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The past four days should have been a great vacation with the family, but Luke has made it a living nightmare. He has been sick for the past week and literally has been incapable of doing anything for himself. I spent my entire time at the beach house sitting next to Luke as he lays in the bed moaning and groaning over how crappy he feels while I watch Tia and LeClaire with the kids on the beach through the panoramic windows of our master bedroom.

"Luke, get your ass in gear or we are going to miss our flight and you are going to have some explaining to do to a lot of people," I shouted at my husband as I gathered our bags next to the door.

"I'm moving. Shit, Bridget, not everyone moves at hyper speed," Luke said as he slowly walked from the kitchen with a cup of coffee.

"You have been moving at turtle speed all morning. We have to be there. It's Luke Bryan's Crash My Playa! Luke Bryan has to be there," I told him as I tried to get him out the door.

"Dammit, Bridge, calm down. I'm just trying to get moving. I need time to wake up," Luke defended.

"The car is going to be here any minute and we need to get out of the house before the twins wake up or we will never get out of here. They have gotten used to having both of us here all the time," I told him as he finally finished his coffee as the car pulled up around front, "The car just pulled up. Help me get this stuff out there."

"I'm coming. Jeez, Bridge, the driver will load the car. You know this. It's his job," Luke said as he grabbed one of our suitcases and pulled it out the door.

We got our bags out as the driver was stepping up onto the porch. Luke stood next to me and wrapped his arm around my shoulders lovingly. Kenzie and Til came out the door arguing as usual.

"What are you arguing about now?" I asked them as they had now resulted into hitting one another.

"Til threw my makeup in the toilet and won't fish it out!" Kenzie yelled.

"Kenzie threw my baseball in the ocean!" Til shouted.

"I don't care who did what. You two do nothing but fight. Kenzie you are buying Til a new baseball today. Til you are fishing Kenzie's makeup out of the toilet and then you are replacing anything that is destroyed out of your allowance," I told them as they both sighed knowing it was taking away from anything they wanted to do.

"If we get any calls about you two and this stupid fighting while we are in Mexico, you are both going to be grounded when we get home," Luke added.

"But daddy, that's not fair!" Kenzie stated.

"That's very fair. I'm not dealing with it and your grandmother isn't either," I agreed with Luke, "I'm telling you both now, all it's going to take is once and you're grounded."

"Mr. & Mrs. Bryan, the car is ready," the driver said.

"We'll be right there," Luke said before turning his attention back to the kids and LeClaire who was now standing with them, "We love you and we will call when we land in Mexico."

"Love you," I said as I kissed Kenzie and Til on the cheek before giving LeClaire a huge hug, "Thank you for helping Tia with the kids this week."

"You're welcome. Don't worry about the kids. You guys have fun," LeClaire said as she pushed me and Luke towards the car, "Love ya'll."

Luke and I walked to the car and ever the gentleman, Luke helped me into the backseat before he slid in next to me. Moments later the driver climbed into the front and we were heading towards the airport. Luke wrapped his arm around me once again and we rode in silence. Before we knew it we were at the airport and loading onto a plane bound for Cancun. As I sat down next to the window I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. I pulled it out and saw that I had a text from Brittany.

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