Chapter 6- Confessions

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That’s it. It all makes sense now. She’s late. A smile appeared across my face, but disappeared just as quickly. Why isn’t she happy? Did Cole abandon her?  I walked over to Bridget and took her earbuds out of her ears. She stared at me and when she opened her mouth to talk, I silenced her.

“I know, Bridge. I know,” I said as I pulled her into my arms and she started to cry again.

I reached around and turned the stove off. She wasn’t going to be cooking anything else tonight. She was in no condition to do anything like that. I need her to say it though. I need her to confirm what I knew in my heart. We stood in each other’s arms for what seemed like an eternity. Bridget was first to pull away. She reached over and turned the stove back on. She sure is determined. Guess I should tell her the kids aren’t coming home tonight, that it’s just going to be the two of us.

“Bridge, you don’t have to cook tonight. The kids are staying with momma,” I told her softly.

“Why did you do that?” Bridget asked still fighting back the tears.

“You need to relax. You haven’t sat down all day, with the exception of however long you sat on the hood of your truck. Besides we need to talk about this,” I responded as I pointed to her belly, “We can order a pizza or two.”

Bridget just shook her head. I grabbed her hand and lead her to the kitchen table.

“Do you want something to drink?” I asked her.

“Pepsi please,” she replied quietly.

I walked to the fridge and grabbed a Pepsi for her and me a Coke. As much as I wanted a beer, I couldn’t do that right now. I have to be strong for her.

“Ice?” I asked. She shook her head.

I walked over to the table, sat her Pepsi down, and then sat next to her. We both drank in silence for a few minutes and when she finally stopped sobbing I decided to ask her once again what had happened. I reached over and grabbed her hand turning to face her. She turned and stared into my eyes with her puffy, swollen, but still amazingly piercing blue eyes.

“Darlin’ what happened?” I asked for the final time.

It took a minute, but she took a deep breath and started to explain, “I felt funny all last week. I was queasy, nothing smelled right. I just didn’t know what to think so I talked to your mom. She asked me if I could be pregnant. My first reaction was no, but then when I thought about it I realized it was possible. So I went down to Gentry’s Pharmacy and bought a test. Your mom was there when it came back positive. I completely lost it.”

 I sat there holding her hands as she told me. I saw the hurt and fear in her eyes. I knew in that moment her story wasn’t over. I just sat in silence as Bridget tried to compose herself to finish.

“Saturday I called Cole and told him I was pregnant. He blew up on me. Told me I was lying. Said I did nothing but cheat on him the entire time we were together. He even said that it probably wasn’t even his kid anyway. He actually said it was probably yours,” Bridget continued, “Luke, I know this is Cole’s baby. I know for a fact. But I can’t do this alone again. I really thought that Cole would want to be a part of this baby’s life. I have raised Kenzie by myself. She’s 10 now. I’m literally starting over. How can this happen to me? What did I ever do to deserve to be forced to raise two kids alone, by myself?”

“Bridge, you’re not alone in this. I’m right here. I’ve been here to help you raise Kenzie and I’ll be here for this one too,” I told her.

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