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I edited this character and made the hero outfit hahahahahahahah
Izuku's POV:

Ahhhhh, Kacchan's going to kill me for being such a bother! How did I even get such a bad cold? I've been eating, and I've only been training for 5 hours a day as well as studying for 3 hours (AN: ok first off my boy, that is way too many hours spent on school so that might be a problem-) Well, it was raining that day I went for a run, and I was drenched in rain for at least 20 minutes but is my body really that weak?

Ah wait! Didn't that villain accidentally scrape me with that blade a few days ago? Maybe there's something to do with that?


Izuku runs towards a little girl getting attacked by a villain, who is wearing some sort of skin-tight, grey body suit, with a white belt- plain, apart from the many little blades around the belt. A mask covers his face, unable to tell his facial expressions. Izuku had effectively placed the girl in a safe place, and all he had to do was defeat the villain, or hold him up long enough for the police to come. Izuku had been doing better than the villain expected, dodging with flashing speed, and avoiding the blades effectively. Izuku saw an opening and was planning to throw a quick punch; however the villain saw this and , although he wasn't as fast, managed to give a small scratch on Izuku, before being knocked out cold by Izuku's One-For-All-powered punch.

Flashback over:

Maybe it has something to do with that? Probably not though, it was just a blade, don't be any more of a bother to Recovery Girl! She's already wasting her time on me when she could be helping people who need it more than me. It's just a cold, I'm sure I'll be fine.

"Ok dear, I'm going to go to some patients and I'll be back at around 5pm. Be sure to rest well and Bakugou will pick you up as soon as possible!" Recovery Girl exclaims before quickly checking Izuku's temperature and heading out.

Well there's still 2 hours of school left... maybe I can still listen in to the lesson? It would be foolish to skip out on the rest of school just because I have a little cold! But Mr Aizawa probably got a note saying that I'd be excused from lessons and he wouldn't be happy with me going to class. Hmmmmm... Maybe I can just train! Yeah, yeah! Ok then I'm going to my dorm to train!

Third POV:

Izuku clumsily stands up, feeling the heavy weight of his headache give him a ringing for a few seconds before he repeatedly blinks and puts on the uniform put on the chair beside him. He was sweating and was gradually getting worse bit by bit, but he pushed his exhausted body towards his dorm, being careful to be quiet and not attract attention. Eventually, he did get to his dorm, suddenly feeling very chilly. Nevertheless, he quickly changed into his training uniform and started doing push-ups, which seems impossible with how weak and tired his body was feeling right then and there, but he persevered on wards like the strong-driven boy he is, doing at least 15, until he was interrupted by an exploded door flying towards the other direction he was facing.


Did I mention he shouted? Like, really, really loud, which would already make your head hurt in your perfectly healthy body (well I'm assuming).

So in Deku's weakened state, that shout hurt LIKE HELL.

"H-hi K-k *cough* chan..."

Izuku's voice droned into a slight whisper, suddenly realising that breathing for lungfuls of air seemed painful, especially with his heart pulse rising.

Bakugou now realising that he shouted quite loud to other people decreased down his tone

"What the hell nerd?! Why are you doing exercises! You're on a f*cking fever of 41oC! "

"W-well... I u-uh-"

"Let me guess, you didn't want to waste precious time, and you knew coffee-man would stop you from going to lessons so you decided to train instead?"


AN: wow Bakugou knows Deku well!

Fever!| Deku catches a cold | BakudekuNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ