Please be ok Deku...

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I knock furiously on Recovery Girl's office and I hear a "come in" before I barge in to the office. She's facing away from me and without really looking, she asks me what's wrong.
"It's Deku!"
She turns towards me at that, slowly, probably surprised at why I'm speaking if it's Deku. Until she sees the limp body in my arms that is. Panic is clearly written on her face as she orders me to put him onto the bed and asks me what happened.
"I found him in his room, and he was still able to talk, coughing frequently and very warm. I went to get a thermometer only to find him collapsed and unconscious on the floor and he won't wake up! His temperature was 44。C when I last checked it!"
"44。C and won't wake up?! Go get me a bucket of ice-water NOW"
The urgency in her voice was definitely not helping as I didn't even bother to fight back and rushed to get what she requested.
I get the bucket, fill it with cold water and dump a whole bag of ice into the bucket with a soft towel.
She quickly takes it from me and dips the towel in the bucket, wrings it and gently dabs it onto his sweating face. She repeats this process for around 15 minutes, me rushing over to the icy-hot bastard to get more ice every few minutes. Finally his temperature drops slightly, now 42.3。C.
He's barely woken up and Recovery Girl said he's in lack of sleep and energy. He says she would use her quirk but because he's overworked and has a high-burning fever, he's too weak right now and he might end up in a mini coma if she does. She thinks it's best to let his body get stronger on his own and then she can use her quirk to fully heal him. I've went and informed Mr Aizawa and I can tell he's rather worried. Who doesn't love this cute Lil' fluff of a broccoli head?

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