"I'll go with you" She says excitedly.

I shake my head, "This is not the sort of thing for just any ears. Please, it needs to be kept confidential."

I can see the wheels turning in her head. She's trying to figure out what could be so important that it has to be hidden from everyone at camp. She then notices the Hunters.

"Why haven't they killed you yet?" Annabeth demands.

I shake my head and shrug, "That's a story that would take far too long to tell."

"I've got all day." Annabeth starts becoming insistant. She doesn't like to be stone-walled.

"You may have all day, but we do not." Artemis says, "Come along Perseus."

"Yes, Lady Artemis." I follow her as the Hunter head down to Cabin Eight. Annabeth just stares after us, looking completely confused.

The two of us reach the BIg House, and I enter the building with Artemis trailing behind me. Chiron was in the middle of a very intense game of Pinocle with Mr. D and two invisible players. I walk over and snatch a hand out of the air and look at the cards.

"I'd like two." I say causally.

"Ah, Percy." Chiron smiles at me, "It's good to see you back here safe. I take it the monster nest was destroyed?"

I nod, "And that's the least intersting part."

"Oh? then perhaps you would like to enthrall us with the tale, Perry." Mr. D looks completely uninterested with the discussion.

"You know," I say, almost at random, "for the longest time, I'd thought that your annoying habit of getting names wrong was just to amuse yourself, but recently, I realized that it's a remanent of your time with Sheena. She used to do that too. Not to me, of course."

Dionysus spits out his diet coke and stares at me for a long minute, before disappearing. Chiron looks at me in slight confusion.

I sigh in mock exasperation, "Come on Chriron, I know that five thousand years is quite a hit to the memory, but I thought you would remember your old friend. I never did congradulate you on reaching your goal of becoming a teacher of heroes. Why you would want to train us crazy people is beyond me though."

Chiron looks at me for a long time, then notices Artemis in the room. He bows his head slightly, then stops suddenly. I smirk, and next to me, Artemis smiles softly.

"Percy..." Chiron whispers.

"It's good to see you again, and actually remember you, old friend." I say, and step forward to embrace an old friend from the past.

After a short time, the two of us disengage. He looks over at Artemis, who'd remained relatively quiet this entire time. He looks at her sadly.

"Am I to assume you are here to take Percy back into the folds of the Guardians?" He asks.

Artemis nods, "Yes. He will go to Oympus to reinstate himself into the Order, then return to his duties."

Chiron nods, then his eyes widen, "So that is why you were not the one!"

"What?" I ask.

Chiron smiles, "How did I not realize who you were? You haven't changed one bit. The Great Prophesy it is supposed to happen the day a child of the Big Three turns sixteen. You are older that sixteen, thus taking you out of the equation."

I nod, "Of course. That's why you're the teacher, and I'm the fighter. Though that does now leave the slight problem of a Great Prophesy looming over us again."

Percy Jackson: Guardian of the HuntressWhere stories live. Discover now