Author's Notes - Part I

Start from the beginning

Part II will have a similar chapter title system, so... now you know.

(My two personal favorites are "I Didn't Come Here To Be Psychoanalyzed", and "Order To Kill".)

I've actually never played the game Among Us - simply put, I don't feel like I have the social skills, and if I was imposter, I'd probably keep laughing and giving myself away, because I'm a terrible liar.

(My best friend and I have theorized that I would either be a really good, formidable player, or a complete and total idiot, with absolutely no in between.)

Speaking of my best friend, this is the first thing I've written that I haven't talked to her much about. (I probably should - maybe she'll like it.)

... Ironically, this is also the most successful thing I've written.

I made Red more of a major character because I felt like he personally needed some depth - he felt too robotic - and I also felt that Blue needed some sort of other friend/ally besides Black.

From the beginning, Pink was supposed to die, but then she became smart, and I figured I needed her around for Part II to make things a little more interesting.

Orange did, in fact, have a crush on Green- well... before he died, that is.

Speaking of Green, he was by FAR the most fun character to write. His personality makes him quite the imposter, and I just love his character dynamic with Blue.

Blue's real name is indeed Estelle, as we've seen from her thoughts a couple times. (Just thought I'd confirm that.)

From the beginning, I had an actual checklist of characters to kill off. That checklist went through several edits.

I wanted to end Part I on Chapter 12 so that Part II could begin on Chapter 13 - the famous unlucky number.

It honestly made my entire day whenever someone voted and/or commented on a chapter - thank you!! It means so much more than you know, and it really helps me to know how much you like this story!

As a rule, I always listen to music that fits my main characters while writing. Here are a few songs I used for character inspiration:


You Can Run - Adam Jones

All Eyes On You - Smash Into Pieces

Dangerous - Royale Deluxe (this captures his personality quite well)

Blood On My Name - The Brothers Bright (this is one of my favorite songs ever, and I will never get tired of jamming out to this.)

For The Departed - Shayfer James (honestly, the album where this comes from is so underrated.)


You Can't Take Me - Bryan Adams

Short Change Hero - The Heavy

Ribcage - Andy Black (this one's the most fitting.)

Used To The Darkness - Des Rocs


Part II details (as of October 16th, 2020)

Part II will be posted here, as a direct continuation of this story, and it is currently in the works. I'll upload a synopsis of Part II soon, as soon as I iron out a few details.

I'm going to be extremely busy for the next two weeks, because a lot of things are happening in my life. I'm going to be moving rooms, doing several major assignments, studying for several exams, and also working ahead on all my other assignments so I can have the Halloween weekend free, because my friends and I have a lot of things planned then.

(I just made a list of things I need to get done before then, and... it's a long list.)

Basically, I won't have much time to devote to Part II until after Halloween. If I write Chapter 13 in the next two weeks - I most likely will, because this story is becoming a stress coping mechanism - I will most likely post it on Halloween.

... Why? I don't know, to celebrate my severe busy-ness coming to an end, and also because it seems fitting for the 13th chapter to be posted on Halloween, even though it won't be Halloween-themed.



With all that being said, thank you so much for reading!!

Please consider telling me your thoughts if you haven't already, and if you have any ideas for Part II, I encourage you to say them!

Again, thank you to the wonderful people who commented and voted! It makes me really happy when I see you enjoying my story, and it always brightens my day, even when I'm stressed or overwhelmed by my assignments. It really does mean so much more than you realize.

I hope to see you all next time, when the story continues. Until then, be safe, and remember to take care of your own mental and physical health!

For now... stay tuned.


(Edit: Part II is now out!)

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