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I can't believe what Theo just told me but as horrible as it is I do believe him. He has been acting weird lately. I just-I just wish he hadn't we could've figured something else out. Stiles, my best friend, my brother he just murdered someone. Stiles is an amazing person sometimes better than me (nope always been better than you!!) but like it or not for as long as I've known him he always did have a bit of an anger problem that he had to control, not to mention whenever we had a new threat he uses the offer to kill them as first suggestion, and I was there when Donovan threatened to kill his father if he ever got out...Stiles played it off cool and was sarcastic as if to say he wasn't getting out but I was there I smelt the anger and worry coming off him but I had just passed it off as an 'In the moment' thing, I just still can't believe he killed someone we were trying to save. I love Stiles but this isn't something we do..we don't kill people and I can't have someone who would in the pack or the others will think it's suddenly okay and it's NOT. Maybe there's another side of the story though? I have to confront him about this "Theo thank you for telling me, I'm sorry you had to witness that though...I-I'm gonna confront him and if he says anything that backs up your story I-I can't have someone who would kill in the pack it's not what we stand for" I said to him; finally getting out of my head and acknowledging him for the first time since he had told me what Stiles did "Your welcome Scott I just wish I hadn't been the one to tell you, more importantly been able to stop him" he told me sadly "It's okay man I'm glad you did!" I said to him looking back at the road to figure out how I was gonna talk to Stiles. I just hope he doesn't say anything that indicates that this is true.


I hate this. I hate feeling like this. Good, is the only thing I thought when I knew he was dead and I hate that. God this is just like The Nogitsune, because I remember everything that happened, I remember sabotaging the hospital that first night, I remember knocking out Kira, I remember pushing that sword deeper into Scott, I remember trying to kill my dad, I remember attacking everybody, watching it all like a TV show, and worst of all I remember liking it all...feeling powerful and ironically in control. I have to stop thinking about this, if I don't the pack will notice that something's going on, when it first happened I wanted to tell Scott but then I knew what that meant so now I just can't and the only one who knows is Theo..sure I don't trust the asswhole at all but what good would it be to spill my secret? There'd be no use, right? When I finally make it to the animal clinic Scott comes out of the building and I hop out of my beloved Jeep and into the rain "Hey, sorry... I had trouble starting the Jeep again. That thing's barely hanging on. I couldn't get in touch with Malia or Lydia." I said running over to him but he didn't answer, he just kept looking at me "Scott?" I called trying to get him to say something but instead of words he pulled out what I thought I lost..the wrench I hit Donovan with to get him away from me that night "Where'd you get that?" I asked, my heart beat slowing down a little at the shock of seeing it "This is yours?" He asked handing it to me, and I took it back "Why didn't you tell me?" He asked me with worry and hurt in his tone "I was going to." I told him not being able to look in his eyes for a second "No, but why didn't you tell me when it happened?" He said as if I thought it wasn't clear what he had asked, "I couldn't." I stated because it was the truth I couldn't tell him what had happened as much as I wanted to I just couldn't "You killed him? You killed Donovan?" He asked me obviously not wanting to say the words and neither did I but he knows now "He was going to kill my dad. Huh? Was I supposed to just let him?" I said/asked getting a little defensive at the fact that he doesn't understand "You weren't supposed to do this. None of us are." He said matter-of-factly "You think I had a choice?" I asked him disbelievingly "There's always a choice." He told me as if stating the most obvious thing in the world "Yeah, well, I can't do what you can, Scott. I know you wouldn't have done it. You probably would've just figured something out, right?" I said my voice getting a little higher than it was a few seconds ago "I'd try." The guy who I call my brother said in a way that got on my nerves completely "Yeah, because you're Scott McCall! You're the true Alpha! Guess what? All of us can't be true Alphas. Some of us have to make mistakes. Some of us have to get our hands a little bloody sometimes. Some of us are human!" I yelled at him angry that he doesn't think I should've protected my dad and I from being murdered by a psycho "So, you had to kill him?" He asked but it was coming out more of an accusation than a question and I was hurt by that but also angry "Scott, he was going to kill my dad." I stated because now it was my turn to say something with a matter-of-factly tone "But the way that it happened... There's a point when it's... It's not self-defense anymore!" He said starting to yell a little bit and I was confused because he's known me his whole life and he's practically saying that I did it in cold-blood, like I'm some crazy killer who needs to be put behind bars, I was right not to tell him I knew this would happen! "What are you even talking about? I didn't have a choice, Scott!" I yelled confused but it was hidden with the tone of anger in my voice "You don't even believe me, do you?" I asked him, stating the obvious "I want to." He stated with a hint of regret in his voice but I can't figure out if it's towards me or himself and that sucks! Not knowing who that regret is for; "Okay, all right, so... So, believe me then." I say with a little hope in my voice but not too much because he doesn't say anything "Scott, say you believe me." I continue but he still doesn't say anything he just looks down his face full of fear of what to say "Say it. Say you believe me." I said my voice getting louder and lower at the same time "Stiles, we can't kill people that we're trying to save." He told me, looking down I open my mouth to speak "Say you believe me." I beg taking a step forward my arm raising a little unintentionally, Scott stepping back a little with surprise and fear I realize he's looking at my slightly raised hand holding the wrench, hurt that he actually thinks I'd hurt him I look down and look back at him "We can't kill people! Do you believe that?" He said, his breathe getting slightly louder in the rain "Well, what do I do about this? What do you want me to do? Okay, just be... Scott, just tell me how to fix this, all right? Please, just tell me, what do you want me to do?" I begged knowing he was hurt and so was I, waiting for an answer, an answer initiating that this was gonna be okay and that we'd get through this, but that wasn't the answer I got "Don't worry about Malia or Lydia. We'll find them. Maybe... Maybe you should talk to your dad." He said turning around but stopped without looking back at me "And Stiles I'm sorry but...I can't have you in the pack anymore I-I can't have the others thinking it's okay to I'm sorry" he told me and walked back into the clinic, leaving me out here to realize his newfound distrust in me, getting to that fact I hadn't even realized I was already driving away on my way to the Sheriffs Station but my Jeep goes down again, not being able to fix it and looking at the wrench I throw it at the the windshield and sit down on the ground crying, calling Malia she comes over and picks me up "You want me to go in with you?" "No, it's okay. It's probably going to take a while." When I sigh she takes that as a sign to speak again, "Are you going to tell him about Donovan?" She asked, how the- "You knew?" I asked her "I guessed." She told me, great just my luck. "I saw the bite on your shoulder while you were sleeping." She explained putting away a thought I was starting to have, pulling into the parking lot, "It didn't matter to me. That's why I never said anything." She continuing her explanation "It matters to me." I say getting out of her car and into the Station, but of course my dad isn't here, he's at the school, but I don't feel like walking so I'm just gonna wait I his office. A few minutes later Parrish comes from the cell he put himself in meaning only one thing "What the hell..." one of the officers say and they all pull out their guns "Wait, wait, wait... Don't shoot! Don't shoot! Get back! Stay out of his way." I say shouting at them, making a path for him to leave the Station safely and unbothered. After leaving the Station knowing my dad wasn't gonna be back for awhile I leave going home, but stopped walking when I saw familiar faces.

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