Chapter 8 - Percy

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As Percy walked back to his room, he couldn't help but think over everything that had happened. It was all way too fast, as if time together with Piper was a ticking bomb waiting to explode, so that they could let their feelings toward each other come out; forming this beautiful (and chaotic) mess. 

Piper was a really  good kisser, and just thinking about her soft lips gave him butterflies.

Before reaching the hallway to his room though, Percy made a quick turn to the right, heading over to Annabeth's without giving it a second thought. He pushed the door open and walked in as usual, forgetting the time it was and that Annabeth was probably asleep. 

As the door closed behind him, Annabeth was jolted awake, sitting up on her bed with her blonde curls all over the place. She turned on her lamp and squinted, getting used to the light. Her deep grey eyes set their view on Percy, but they didn't sparkle like they did before when they saw him, they looked matted, almost dead

"What's wrong Percy?" she asked, furrowing her brows as she noticed Percy's worried face. 

"Oh... um nothing" he said quickly, sitting down beside her. Annabeth left it at that and took his hand, interlocking her cold fingers with his and caressing Percy's palm with her thumb. 

After some silence she said "You won't believe who I dreamed about Percy. Piper and her bitchy attitude again, honestly" she scoffed, "she can go to Tartarus for all I care. Her father was right in sending her to boarding school and not wanting to be near her. She's such a slut!" Percy shifted uncomfortably in his seat. 

"Annabeth she used to be your friend, you can't be this mean to her" he answered after a pause.

Annabeth huffed and jumped down the bed, looking at him in the eyes. "Are you serious, Percy? Why are you even defending her? I'm your girlfriend, not Piper McWhore." 

Percy looked down at his shoes, "She's the one who hasn't changed" he murmured. 

"Excuse me?!? Is that what you really think? That I've changed?" Percy look up at her with a grim face, his eyes watering up at his past memories with Annabeth, "Y-yes," he stuttered.

 "What the fuck, Percy!" Annabeth exclaimed, slapping him hard. "This is not you Annabeth..." he uttered.

"Then who am I?!! Huh?" she screamed, "Go ahead, tell me Percy!"

"I DON'T EVEN KNOW ANYMORE" Percy yelled back, losing his temper. "Ever since we came back from Tartarus you've been different!"

"GODS, SHUT UP PERCY! YOU ARE THE ONE DEFENDING FUCKING PIPER! I DON'T EVEN THINK I  LOVE YOU ANYMORE!"  Annabeth shouted, and then realizing what she said stopped suddenly in her tracks. Percy stood up slowly, processing what Annabeth had confessed. Their eyes met and Percy broke down, a single tear trailing down his cheek. 

"Wh-what?" he whispered.

"Percy... I..."

He slowly started walking towards the door, wiping the now multiple tears with the back of his hand.

"Wait! Percy!" Annabeth stuttered, grabbing his arm and holding him back.

Percy pushed her away but glanced back, looking at her beautiful face, bright soft hair and dead but still mesmerizing grey eyes; realizing for the first time that Piper wasn't the only one who had been broken by Annabeth. She hold their stare until Percy couldn't help but break it, quickly stumbling out the door and into the hallway. 

I kinda wanna cry now 🥺. Thank you for everyone who is still here! I'm sorry for making Annabeth so mean but it's in order for the story to work! I'm going to be changing the format of the story to this one, I feel like it's easier to read. 

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Oct 20, 2020 ⏰

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