26. A Pocket of Fire

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"But in a weather like this..." she points a finger at the sky. Tiny little snowflakes fall from above like drizzles of rain, colouring everything around them in a blanket of white. The snowfall hasn't reached its peak yet, but the thought of having Jeongguk ride all the way across the kingdom to Moonrock on his own is not something she fancies.

"I can handle a little cold," Jeongguk says, ever so stubborn. She should've known from countless of past experiences that once Jeongguk has set his mind on something he will never let go of it until the end of the world.

So, in the end, Saeron can do nothing but to relent with a tired, "Alright, fine. Since you like her so much. But I'm coming with you."

"You still don't trust me not to run away?"

"No, I just want to make sure you don't get chased around by a pack of wild animals without any backup for your reckless ass."

Jeongguk snorts, but he doesn't even try to hide the satisfied smile on success on his face. He looks cute, so Saeron lets it pass.

It was a rare occasion that Saeron would be allowed to leave the Capital without bodyguards, but with a little convincing that she would be safe in Jeongguk's hands, they set out for Moonrock before the break of dawn.

When Jeongguk had asked her how on Earth she'd managed to persuade her own father into letting her go, she merely tosses him a wink and a carefree "I didn't tell him."

He doesn't know if he should be worried about that.

The ride itself was less tiring than Jeongguk had expected. Maybe it was because of the distraction of small conversations and casual story times of the towns they passed through—courtesy of Saeron and her wide range of knowledge in history.

"Did you know that a witch was rumoured to have been living nearby this town a few years ago? People were convinced because strange things kept happening here—like the one time the river turned to the colour of blood red for an entire week after the villagers had tried to demolish this old hut in the middle of the town square. They say it belonged to a witch and it's like her lair of the sorts—but no one's ever seen a witch. And lived to tell the tale most likely."

"A witch? You mean the kind who uses black magic and anything of the sort? Sounds like one of those fireplace stories parents tell their children to get them to behave. How are we even sure witches exist?"

"Just because you've never seen something doesn't mean it's not real, Jeon."

"Well I hope to Gods that I never meet a witch. They don't seem very welcoming."

"You and me both."

By the time they arrived, Stormhill was just the way Jeongguk had left it. Vibrant streets, fruit vendors and children occupying most of the walkway under the afternoon sun. It seems like despite the weather, the townsfolk are still going on with their regular everyday routines.

Jeongguk is aware that they both look a little out of place with their horses and fancy coats; he can tell because even the guards at the main city gate had immediately recognised the royal insignia on the chains adorning Saeron's horse. It was obvious that they weren't expecting her, but they had immediately let the pair pass through without any questions.

"So here we are," Saeron whistles, looking around with sparkling eyes that almost resemble a child when receiving a gift. Jeongguk feels something flutter in his chest. Deep down inside he wonders why she looks so enthralled by such a small town like this when she was raised by the bustling Capital and tall castle walls.

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