That's all I want

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AN: Ahhhhh, I finally finished this chapter! And the story for that matter haha. I was reading through the comments and it gave me a lot of motivation tbh. I'm really sorry this is so late, there were several parts when I had no idea what I wanted to do or what direction I wanted to head in. There is one part where you can tell I was going in one direction and completely swerved out of that. I kept it cause I'm lazy. This chapter could've gone so far, like really far if you know what I mean but this fandom is too new and innocent I figured I shouldn't ruin it just yet haha. I also added the song again to commemorate the end. Anyways, enjoy!

You looked so good in green
I hope you're well

Eda definitely gave Luz a lot to think about. Maybe the note wasn't in fact meant for her. Maybe it was meant for someone else? Maybe Luz misread it? Seemed like a longshot since she's pretty sure how to spell her own name. But one thing was for sure, she should be paying attention to the history lesson.

"Luz!" Willow exclaimed as she shook her and Gus poked her. "Class is over and you've been sitting here, staring off into space, are you okay?"

"Huh, what? Oh, yeah, yeah. I dunno, Eda said some things that got me thinking," Luz replied.

"Oh, well, why don't we talk about it over lunch? That is where we're supposed to be right now," Willow suggested.

"Sure, I just need to grab my lunch from my locker first. I'll meet you two down there."

And you look so good with him

"Lunch, lunch, where are you oh lunch of mine," Luz sang to herself as she dug in the back of her locker's throat, much to its dismay.

"Looking for something?" a voice asked, which startled the Hispanic human. Whipping around so she's leaning against the locker next to hers, Luz discovered the owner of the voice. "Whoops, sorry, didn't mean to startle you."

"It's okay, I'm startled easily." Emira gave Luz a sympathetic smile.

"Haha, I guess I should have known that."

"So, what's up?"

"Oh, I was wondering if you could help me with a project after school."

"Mmmmm..." Luz wasn't sure why she was hesitant. She felt like there was something weighing her down and stopping her from answering right away. What was this feeling and why was it there? "Sure, why the heck not." She shrugged.

"Great! We can meet in your History 101 class. I may be a few minutes late, Edric said he needed something."

"All of these 'somethings', so mysterious." Luz gave a sly smile.

"Uh-huh, what's a Blight without their secrets?" Emira covered her lips with a finger and pursed her lips against it, which made Luz blush. A lot.

"Mmmm, secrets? What kind of secrets?" Luz asked, keeping her sly smile.

"The kind that are best kept secret." Emira booped her on the nose and giggled when she saw how flustered Luz got. "Were you on your way to lunch? I can walk you down if you want."

"Yeah, su-"

And I'm proud of you still

Amity didn't sleep last night and was currently on her (hopefully only) fifth cup of coffee since tea wasn't working. She had been seriously on edge and even crankier than usual all morning. Grumbling to herself while finishing her last sip, she threw the styrofoam cup away on her way to her locker, but stopped in her tracks. Her eyes went wide and she gritted her teeth. She marched towards the pair, trying not to bump into anyone along her way.

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