I see your eyes in the flowers

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AN: Hey! Welcome, welcome. Above is the music video for the song that inspired it all. Idk, we'll see how this goes lmao. I'll do my best to update as often as I can. I'm not the best at writing but I hope you enjoy it! :) (P.S. I started this before Wing it Like Witches so...)

This is erosion
Grinding up rocks with your molars

"Thank you again for letting me study here with you. Again. The Owl House may be fun but it can get very loud sometimes." Luz said as she and Amity walked into Amity's secret hideout in the library.

"It's no problem. Thank you for keeping me company. Again. It can get a little lonely and empty here sometimes." Amity replied, hiding the light red tint on her face.

"Haha, yeah, I bet," Luz said as she sat down on the floor, pulling her books and notes out of her bag. Amity sat down beside her, pulling out her books and notes as well. The two started to work on their homework.

A big fish swims past your rod
You can't catch it, it's far too fast

Hours passed and the pair were almost done with their work- and sharing chit chats, giggles, and childhood traumas.

"I can't believe your mother intended to send you to a camp to be normal. That's just- that's just not right." Amity said.

"Yeah, but I can't blame her. I guess I did let my imagination get in the way of reality." Luz sighed.

"Did?" Amity questioned as Luz giggled.

"Haha, I still do, I'll admit, but my mother only signed me up because it's what she thinks is best for me. And maybe it is? I don't know."

"Well, if you ask me, I think you're perfect the way you are." Amity had a soft look on her face, causing Luz to blush, which, of course, caused Amity to blush. "But, you should at least consider yourself lucky, just a little bit. Your mother at least put up with your unique personality for as long as she did. My parents on the other hand- whenever I would show a shred of emotion or personality I would get the whole you-are-a-Blight-act-like-it speech. I've had to pretend to be Little Miss Perfect for as long as I can remember." She looked down and let out a breath. Luz looked at her with concern. She reached over and used two of her fingers to tilt Amity's face up to look at her.

"If it's any consolation, you can feel free to be yourself around me. I like the real you." Amity's face was as red as a tomato and Luz softened her face at the sight of it, thoroughly enjoying it. Their faces were only inches apart and the gap seemed to be shrinking. Luz repositioned her fingers so they were gently holding Amity's face, closer and closer to her own. They closed their eyes, awaiting the inevitable taste of each other's lips on their own. When the soft pressure was felt, a warm, tingling sensation shot through their bodies. It was awkward at first, but then it grew into lust and desire and temptation.

But happily ever after does not last forever.

Deep hook marks in rubber lips
I see your eyes in the flowers

Something snapped in Amity. This is not what she should be doing. She can not be doing this. Getting involved with a human? A female human, nonetheless. Sure she liked this human, but she hoped this would be another one of her silly crush distractions that would go away in a few weeks. She was never going to take initiative. She was a Blight. She needs to act like it. And that is why she pushed poor Luz away.

"Gahhh" Amity screamed as she pushed back, shocking Luz.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I- I sh- shouldn't have-" Luz stuttered.

"You're damn right you shouldn't have." Amity coldly said as she stood up. "I am a Blight. I certainly do not get involved with humans. Let alone girl humans."

"Oh, okay, wow, and here I thought you liked me! Yeah, that's right, I went back to the cliff after Grom to find the top half of your note. And guess what? I found this crumpled, ripped piece of paper-" Luz practically yelled while pulling out the top half of Amity's note. "-with none other than my name. I just don't get it, first you're mean, then you start to warm up to me, then I have reason to believe you like me, and now here you are pushing me away from a kiss, saying you're too good for me. Well, I've had it with your mind games Amity! Do you like me or not?" Luz demanded.

Amity kept her composure, but she was very confused inside. She had never seen Luz blow up like that. That happy go lucky girl can actually get mad. She felt horrible though, but she could not let her heart get in the way of her head, right?

"No. I don't," she eventually said with a stern face.

"I-" Luz tried, but she knew she could not argue with Amity when she gets like this. Well, she could, technically, but it would be pointless. "Fine." She threw the crumbled piece of paper at Amity's face and started packing up her stuff. "I should get back to the Owl House." Walking up to the door she stopped and sighed. "I'll, um, I'll see you tomorrow."

Amity kept a cold and stern face as Luz walked out but once she was out of sight, her face painted concern and she was consumed by guilt. Her fingers lightly traced her lips, still feeling the lingering taste of Luz's lips on hers. She lost feeling in her legs, collapsing on the floor and was greeted by the piece of paper Luz threw at her. She opened it and broke into a million pieces, sobbing in the lonely and empty room.

I'll pick a bunch for your room
Green and blue to match your pictures

AN: This will probably be the shortest chapter so have fun!

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