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I throw all of my clothes into my tallest laundry basket and stuff that into my laundry room. I stuff all of the dirty dishes into the dishwasher, making a mental note to start it later. I make sure everything in the kitchen and living room is near and clean then I text Joey, giving him directions and telling him he can come when he's ready. Then, I go up to my room and slip out of my shoes before grabbing my books and going back downstairs.

After 20 minutes of copying down Joey's notes, there's a knock on the door. I manage to pull myself away and answer it, greeting Joey and letting him in.

"Make yourself comfortable." I say as I walk back over to the couch and plop back down in front of my books.

"You study a lot, Iz." He remarks as he positions himself beside me.

"I just want to make sure that I don't flunk out of college." I explain. "School hasn't always been the easiest thing for me."

"You're the smartest girl I know, though."

"Because I study my ass off." I grab the book that he brought and flip it open to the right page. "Have you studied at all?"

"I've tried but I always get...distracted." He replies.

"Why don't you try giving yourself rewards with each notecard you make or each page you read? Something along those lines."

"Reward? Like what?" He asks.

"Like a type of candy that you love or getting to reply to a text message. Because there is no messing with our phones while we're doing this." I hold my phone out in the air near him. "Give it up."

"My phone? No way." He shakes his head. "It's mine."

"Joey, you're never going to get anything done if you're going to have your phone as a distraction. Put it on silent then put it in the middle of the table." I tell him, doing this myself. He sighs and does as I did.

"I really don't like studying." He mumbles, staring at the page of his open textbook.


After about an hour and a half of asking Joey some questions and repeating them, simply because he hasn't gotten any right, I decide that we take a break.

"Maybe a short break will clear your mind and you'll actually get some questions." I jokingly remark, picking up my phone from the table.

"Hey!" He shoves my arm playfully. "I could get them right! I'm just not trying."

"Why aren't you trying?" I inquire. "I think you'd be one of the smartest people in class if you'd try harder."

"I get distracted, I told you that." He crosses his arms over his chest, looking down at his legs.

"What or who distracts you?" I ask.


"Excuse me?"

"Lou." He clears his throat then scratches his nose with his hand. "This girl in my Theatre class."

"Why don't you just go up to her? Ya know, ask her out." I sat.

"I can't do that." He shakes his head. "She's out of my league and she's so gorgeous." His lips turn up into a smile as he continues. "You know, she gets easily annoyed by the jokes I pull but I think it's cute when she gets mad like that. I love to hear her talk. She's got a very soothing voice. And...and she's very curvy, which is a major turn on. She has a beautiful smile and her eyes are just...wow." He runs a hand through his hair then looks to me. "I don't even know why I'm telling you all of this."

"It sounds like you really, really like this girl." I comment, placing my hand on his forearm.

"You have no idea."


Joey leaves after about 2 hours more so, after, I start the dishwasher, begin a load of clothes in the washer, and take a short shower.

In my room after the shower, my phone is lit up notifying me that I have a message.

Hey, I really miss you girl! I haven't seen you since the start of college! We should really get together after finals!!!

Jillian: my absolute best friend in high school and one of the best people. We've been friends since around the 7th grade. When we didn't get into the same university, we were both so devastated. But her university is only a few cities away. I've not had time to see her since college started though, which sucks.

I'll definitely come up there after finals :) I can't wait to see you!


Soooo hiya! How've ya been?

I hope you enjoyed the update! I'm thinking of updating this twice so....yeah!

I love you guys bunches and bunches :)


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