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About two weeks have passed and I still have yet to receive a letter. I still have the slightest hope that he'll respond because I keep writing small little things that've happened to me that I want to tell him. I probably should just stop writing things all together because the chances of me getting another letter are slim to none.

I let out a heavy sigh as I walk into my first class of the day. I take my usual seat in the back as everyone else begins piling into the classroom.


Near the end of my second class, I feel a vibration in my pocket, signaling that I've received a text message. I sneak a glance at it to see I have a text from Ben, an ex from high school and a really sweet guy but he's now a really big whore.

I really need your help Izzy. Meet me outside the college after your last class, please

"Izzy! I do not tolerate cell phone use during class!" Ms. Hill yells, causing me to jump and almost drop my phone.

"Sorry ma'am." I quickly lock my phone and put it back in my pocket.


After my last class, I walk out into the front parking lot of the school. I spot Ben's navy blue mustang so I stride over to it and tap on the drivers side window. He rolls down the window and looks up at me.

"Get in, please. I've got something serious to discuss." I oblige and get into the passengers side.

"Drive me home and we can talk about it on the way." I order. He does as told, starting the car and driving out of the parking lot.

"So....please don't judge me when I tell you this." He begins. "It's hard enough to tell someone. And you're the first person I'm going to tell because I trust you. A lot."

"Okay Benjamin, spit it out."

"I...caught an STD. From Hanna."

"The girl I told you not to sleep with?" I inquire, crossing my arms over my chest. We park in my driveway and he let's out a heavy sigh.

"Yeah....I should've listened to you." He runs his hands through his hair.

"What're you gonna do?"

"Take the medicine the doctor gave me and hope it goes away." He replies. "That's all I can do."

"Next time, take my advice." I say. "Good luck with that, Ben. I'm gonna check my mail and go inside. I'll call later to check on you."

"Thank you, Iz." He cracks a small smile.

"No problem." I reply then climb out of his car. As I'm walking to my mailbox, he speeds off down the street. I grab all of the contents from the box and scan through it, smiling happily when my hand lands on a smaller envelope addressed to me from my pen pal, Harry Styles.


I open the letter carefully once I'm in my room and begin reading it slowly.

Dear Izzy,

I'm sure that you aren't a complete shut out. You must have a few friends, right? You just seem like a very friendly girl so how could you not have friends?

And you can share your feelings with me if you'd like. I'll try my hardest to help you out with whatever your situation is although, sometimes, I can barely make sense of my own problems.

And don't tell me goodbye. Ever. Don't apologize because you think that you're annoying me with your problems. I enjoy talking with you. It's actually quite nice to have someone to talk to like this.

I'm glad that you chose me as your pen pal.


I smile at his words, even though some of them are hard to make out because the ink from his pen smudged a bit.

I grab my pen and paper, beginning to write another letter to this guy, my pen pal.

Dear Harry,

Thank you for saying that I'm friendly but I must not be because I don't have any friends. Just one guy who continuously annoys me, bothering me with no end. He calls me names and picks on me then gets his feelings hurt when I yell at him for being an ass.

Thank you for telling me that I can share my feelings with you. It's nice to have someone to open up to. You can always share your problems with me if you want. Maybe we can figure each other's problems out together.

I won't tell you goodbye ever again, I promise. It's so nice of you to talk to me though so thank you, again.

Thank you for being my pen pal. It's been a fantastic decision so far.


I let the ink dry before folding the paper and putting it into an envelope. I put the addresses on there then go out to my mailbox and place it in there, raising the flag so the mail person knows I have a letter to be sent.


I finally updated! I hope you guys enjoy!

I don't even know why I do these Author's Notes. No one reads them and no one comments it seems so what's the point?

I love you guys, bunches and bunches.


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