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Over the next week or so, I reevaluate what I did and immediately regret putting that letter in the mailbox. What if that guy is some weird stalker or a sex offender? Oh God, I'm going to get murdered. What happens if he shows up at my house? Will he rape me? Kill me? Profess some sort of undying love in a weird, catchy song? So many possibilities yet I can't decide which one sounds more logical.

Today is Friday and it's been a week and three days now since I've sent that letter. Every time I get my mind off of it or if I get distracted by something else, my mind always flutters back to that letter and if I'll ever get a letter in return.

He's never going to reply to you, Izzy. Just move on, my subconscious tells me. Of course, I know this is the smartest thing for me to do. But I still don't understand why I'm so attached to this letter, why I'm attached to who this guy is, and what he has to say about me.

"What're ya thinking about?" An annoying Joey chirps in, unwelcomed and unappreciated.

"Nothing, Joey." I roll my eyes and pick up my pencil that's laying on my desk.

"Sure seems like you're thinking about something." He mutters.

"Well, I'm not. So just leave me alone." I retort.

"Stop being so mean, Izzy. I know you're playing hard to get but damn." I, again, roll my eyes but this time ignore his stupidity. He reluctantly stays quiet for the remaining fifteen minutes of class and, as soon as the teacher dismisses us, he's the first one out of the door. I take my time getting up from my seat and gathering my things as the whole class tries shoving through the tiny exit at one time. When there are only a few people remaining, I make my way over to the door and am the last one out.


With each step I take towards my small home, I grow more anxious and nervous. Has the mail run yet? Did he reply? Or is it just junk mail and bills as usual? If he did reply, what did he say? So many questions pop in my head and I can't stop thinking about this.

I soon find myself in front of my mailbox. I stare blankly at it for a while before finally opening it. I reach in and grab all of the contents that are inside, pulling it out and scanning through the letters. My hands find an envelope smaller than the others that's addressed to me, the handwriting a bit messy but still readable. And the return address is to the lad that I originally sent my letter to.

I'm quick to walk inside and up to my room where I throw all of the mail on my bed except the small envelope. I walk over to my desk and sit down before opening the envelope, pulling out the letter that was inside. I unfold it then begin to read what's written on it.

Dear Izzy,

Of course we can be pen pals! That was the whole point of me putting my information on that website.

It's been over a year since I put that on the website though so I'm 20 now. How old are you, anyway?

You didn't sound idiotic at all. You sound quite charming to me. If you don't mind me asking though, what's the reason that you want a pen pal? Perhaps you're lonely? Bored? Just a social person? I understand if you don't want to tell me but I'd like a reason, please.


I smile then grab a pencil and paper. I move his letter to the side the begin replying to it.

Dear Harry,

Thank you for being my pen pal!

Right now, I'm 18 years old. But I'll be 19 in about 4 months!

The reason I'm writing to you is I feel like you will be easy to talk to. I don't have a person to vent my feelings to or to talk to period. My parents live in a different part of the world along with the rest of my family, I have no friends at college, my old high school friends are scattered in different places because they're off to college. I would just really love to talk to someone so I won't feel like a complete shut out.

I'm sorry ahead of time that you had to put up with this and that I wrote to you, annoying you with my problems. You don't have to reply, I'll understand if you don't.

Thank you for taking the time to read my first letter though. Goodbye.


I fold up my letter and find an envelope to put it in. Once I find the envelope, I put all of the information along with a stamp. Then, I walk outside again and put it into the mailbox. I put the small flag up then walk back into my house.


Hooray, an update! I hope you cupcakes enjoyed it!

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