//37// Betrayal To Success (end of season 5)

Start from the beginning

McCreary leaves in a bit of hurry, seeming to hear something on the radio. It's dark out now. I really don't know when that happened but I'm not questioning it. My plan is failing. I need to find a better opportunity to make my move. It'll be easy to kill him when he's clouded by lust.

McCreary returns with his soldiers. They're dragging Raven and Shaw behind them. I stand quickly, nails digging into my palms as Raven gives me the worst look I've ever gotten. I wish I could explain but I know she wouldn't let me. She's better than me at doing the right thing. I always do the thing that's best for my people. And my "people" is John and me. Of course, I love her and Bellamy and Echo and Monty and Harper but they're not him. They're not what's keeping me going, he is.

The soldiers strap Raven down onto a table while they do the same to Shaw.

I turn to McCreary. "What is this? This wasn't part of the deal-"

"You said it yourself, sweetie," he says, stepping closer to me. "You don't want to be here; this wasn't your plan. Why do you care about the aftermath of your truly terrible decision?"

He turns and walks away.

In half a second, I grab the knife from my boot and slice one of the soldier's throats. I stab the next in the leg then open a large gash along his back. When I stand, every gun in the room is pointed at me. I raise my hands slowly, dropping the knife and facing McCreary.

"Kill me. Just wait and see what John does to you," I say, shaking my head.

He frowns after a second, lowering his aim before looking at his guards. "Take her to a cell."

I let one of the soldiers grab me as he starts to drag me to the door. I lock eyes with Raven. "Nou ron emo eni diyo!! Emo yu gon don!! Ste kiken!! Biyo dei de yu fleim ai klin!!" Don't give them anything!! They have weapons!! Stay alive!! Say that you hate me!!

"Camari, you fucking bitch!! I'm gonna kill you for this!!" Raven screams after me.

The soldier drags me down the metal hallways until we reach a door. He opens the door and pushes me inside a small room before shutting me inside. I push the hair from my face to examine my new cell. The walls are metal, of course. A small mattress sits in the corner with a few flimsy blankets on the material. That seems to be the extent of my commodities. There are pipes crossing precariously over the ceiling. They'd be good for pull ups. I'll try it later. I'm assuming I'll be in here for a while unless my friends somehow find a way to win this war. It seems rather unlikely to me but I'll hold out hope for them.

I spend the next few hours pacing the walls or napping or doing pull ups, as I said. I'm used to solitude so it isn't torture. The only thing I absolutely cannot stand is the uncertainty. My head is pounding with the need for answers. I wish I had a bouncy ball or something. It'd be more stimulating to throw a ball against the walls. There isn't much to do in here. Though I said I slept, I couldn't quite manage it. My mind would start to race whenever I tried so I couldn't actually sleep.

I resort to picking at my long nails. I stop myself quickly. If we lose this war, I'm going to need these nails. There aren't any weapons in here besides me. All I have is my teeth and my nails. Of course, I don't need them but they definitely help. When a girl bites you, it throws you off guard. I would know.

After maybe two or three hours, I hear low voices outside my cell. My first instinct is to hide beside the door so I can jump them when they enter to find me gone. I follow my instincts as usual. The sliding of the door is heard along with the clearness of two voices. Two figures walk into the cell with their backs to me but I notice that they aren't wearing the jumpsuits. I know that floppy, black hair.

Survive, if you can // John MurphyWhere stories live. Discover now