When You Wake Up [KiriBaku]

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Yup, I'm gonna start right off by nailing you in the feels. Kirishima and Bakugo are pro-heroes Red Riot and Ground Zero, respectively. They are currently dating. 

Warning: Little bit of swearing, but what do you expect, it's Bakugo


Kirishima stumbled, clutching his head and grimacing as his headache worsened. He'd been experiencing a variety of symptoms for the past couple of months now, ranging from killer headaches to nausea to numbness on the left side of his body. He had ignored it, for the most part, thinking it was just as a result of some of his injuries doing hero work. He hadn't told his boyfriend, Katsuki, because he hadn't wanted to worry the other man. But now that Eijirou was losing his sight, it was inevitable. There was no way he could do hero work if this kept up.

"K-Katsuki," Eijirou called. HIs boyfriend hummed and looked over at his red-headed boyfriend from his spot on the couch. Bakugo frowned, standing up and stepping towards Kirishima. The blonde grabbed him by the arm and lead him to sit down on the couch. Katsuki noticed how nervous and disoriented Eijirou looked. Was something wrong?

"Ei?" Katsuki asked, worried.

"Katsuki..." Kirishima looked so lost, Katsuki just wanted to hug him and never let go.

"I...I haven't been doing well the past couple of months. Headaches, nausea, a bit of vomiting...I figured it was just the flu or something, but...I'm starting to lose my vision. I-I'm sorry, I didn't want to worry you.." Ei trailed off. To his surprise, Katsuki reached over and hugged him. Ei relaxed into Bakugo's strong arms, closing his eyes and relaxing. Between public outings and hero work, the two hardly had any time to just sit back and cuddle.

"It's okay, Eijirou. I understand. But losing your vision is serious, and could really affect the way you do hero work. I think you should go see a doctor," The words hung in the air between the two men.

"A-Alright," The red-head nodded, taking a deep breath. Katsuki smiled and placed a kiss on his cheek.

"Then I'll schedule an appointment for a couple of weeks from now and we'll have a date night right afterward, 'kay?" He grinned. Kirishima nodded, burying his face into the blonde's chest. Bakugo chuckled, ruffling his boyfriends' hair and wrapping his arms around Ei to cuddle.


"Kirishima Eijirou," Doctor Jacov announced. Kirishima's head shot up, and he stood up as quickly as possible. The second he stood up, however, he was slammed with a headache and a wave of unsteadiness hit him. He was saved when Bakugo reached out and laid a hand on his back, steading him.

"Are those the MRI results for Ei?" Katsuki demanded to know.

"Yes," The doctor took a deep breath and turned to the red-head to inform him of the news. "Kirishima-san. You have an inoperable tumor on the left side of your brain about the size of a golf ball. Although we cannot operate on it, there are other treatment plans we have to offer..."

The news slammed into Eijirou like a brick wall. This was worse than any villain attack he'd ever faced. At least there were ways to beat those villains. He could fight them straight-out. Here, he could only waste away slowly, unable to fight the evil was destroying him from the inside out.

"How long do I have?" He whispered hoarsely, barely able to get the words out. Doctor Jacov looked at him with pity in his eyes as he responded.

"About one year," The doc responded. Suddenly Kirishima found it impossible to breathe. One year. He had one year to experience a lifetime. He still had so many things he wanted to do, so many people he still needed to save. He shut his eyes tight as tears welled in his eyes. He would never have a family. He'd never get to grow old, Katsuki by his side. He wouldn't even live to reach thirty years of age.

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