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Hi, sorry it has been so long since I have posted a chapter. I just started school a little while ago and I have been talking to friends a lot lately. I am currently working on another chapter but it is taking me longer to write since I have been talking to friends and that has taken up a majority of my free time.

I am currently about a quarter of the way through the next chapter but I may post it early just to give you guys something new to read.

Another thing is I am curious what you guys think about this story so I'm gonna list off some questions for you guys to honestly answer.

What do you think of the plot?

Compared to other stories you guys have read, how would you rate this on a scale of 1 to 10? (1 awful, 10 the best thing you have ever read)

How many of you actually read these author's notes? Just comment "I"

Thank you all who have read this far. This means the world to me for those of you who are reading this.

I will try to get the next chapter out sometime this weekend but that may not happen idk.

I love you all, Anonymous_Slytherin4

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