Chapter 3 - Meeting Harry

236 6 3

Published on August 7th, 2020 at 2:55 P.M.


(Bolded) - author's notes

'Italics' -thoughts

"Normal" - speech

~~~~~~~~~~~~Still June 15th~~~~~~~~~~~~

Once we get to the great hall, everyone is sitting around a table with Professor Dumbledore at the head of the table. We sit down at the two empty seats and everyone takes food from the plates in the center of the table.

I grab some of the chicken pot pie which happened to be right in front of me.


After dinner, everyone at the table who I haven't met introduced themselves. After, Professor Snape and I head back to the dungeons to retire for the night. "Before I forget again, has anyone asked you if you want to have another student come to keep you company?" Professor Snape asks while we are walking.

"No, but the answer to that is yes, but only if they would rather come here than stay at home," I respond.

"Alright I will tell dumbledore what you said. Do you have a preference for which house they are in?"

"No. I honestly don't care what house they are in," I admit.

"Have a good night and you will be starting with Professor McGonagall tomorrow after breakfast."

"Alright, and you too."

We separate and he goes into what I assume are his quarters and I go to my dorm. While there, I start by reading the first year transfiguration textbook.

I finish that and see it is only 9, and I go to bed at 12. I decided to also read the second year Transfiguration book.

By the time I am done with that, it is 11:45, so I put my PJ's on, brush my teeth, brush my hair and braid it, and go to bed.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~June 16th~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

The next morning, I wake up to a soft tapping on the door and say, "yeah." I hear Professor Snape say, "it's time to get up and get ready. Meet me in the common room and we can walk to breakfast. Oh, also you don't have to wear your school uniforms until the semester begins."

"Alright," I say as I get out of bed.

I walk over to my wardrobe and grab one of my more comfortable dresses that are knee-length and my favorite heels

Once dressed, I go into the bathroom to brush my teeth and take out the braid and brush through the slightly tangled hair.


Once I am done with all of that, I grab my recently emptied bag and I grab the three Transfiguration textbooks and put them in there along with my brush, my wand, and a pair of flats in case I need to take off my heels due to the floor being stone. I let Sapphire slither onto my shoulders and pick up the furball I call Stanley. I then walk out into the common room and see Professor Snape waiting on the sofa.

Once he sees me, he stands up and walks over to me. "So I owled Dumbledore to tell him what you said about getting another student here to keep you company and he said that he would send out an owl to someone in the year below you and he also sent two to people in your year. All we have to do now is just wait for their responses," he informs me.

"Ok great."

"Did you bring with you your Transfiguration books?" he asks.

"yes. I put the first three in my bag."

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