Chapter 18 - The Second Task

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Published September 7, 2020 at 7:58 P.M.

~~~~~~~~~~~November 31st~~~~~~~~~~~

It is the morning of the third task and I, along with the other champions, was told to wear a bathing suit under my clothes or relatively tight clothing, so I put on a fitted green knit sweater along with some warm black leggings.

I decide to put a charm on my clothes to prevent them from getting wet and I head down to the lake.

When everyone arrives, we are told we have 2 hours and to start.

I dive in and am immediately glad I put the drying charm on my clothes even though it doesn't prevent the water from getting under. I quickly cast a warming charm and then I notice that I have been breathing this whole time without doing anything. Maybe no one knows that I can just breathe underwater on my own.

I set off to find the thing most precious to me. 'Wait a minute, what is most precious to me? It was Aiden before, but they can't exactly dig him up and put him at the bottom of the lake can they?. It would probably be Remus, but they can't do that to a teacher. Wait, NO. I SWEAR ON ALL THINGS HOLY IF THEY DID HIM, SOMEONE IS GOING TO DIE.' I think.

I start by talking to the fish asking if they knew where they might be. They said they are on the other side of the lake near the merpeople. I thank them and go in the direction said.

After half an hour of swimming, I make it to the other side and see the merpeople.

In the open spot, I can also see 4 people. One of them is Hermione, another is a Ravenclaw girl I don't know, another looks like a younger version of Fleur, so I assume it is her little sister, and the final person is Remus. I never thought they would have done this and someone will die today.

I swim over to the four of them and when I turn around, I see Cedric and who I assume is Krum but he has a shark head, so I'm not positive. Cedric takes Cho up and Krum takes Hermione, but there is no sign of Fleur. I wait until the time is almost up. Still no sign of her, so I take the rope off the girl and bring her over to Remus. I start to take the rope off him, but the merpeople come over to me yelling at me that I can only take one.

"If I wait till the time is up, can I take both?" I ask logically.

"How can you understand us?" the lead merperson asks.

"I am a vampiric angel. Can you answer my question?"

"If you wait until the time is up, yes you can take both."

I wait a minute and hear a loud horn.

I untie Remus and take them both by the arm and swim towards the surface. I can see some sort of platform, so I swim over to it.

When I reach the edge of the platform, both of them wake up and I get Remus on the edge before I lift the girl up. Then I help Remus out.

I can see Fleur crying while hugging the girl and when she lets go, she comes over to me to thank me.

When they are calling the scores, they say that since I didn't make it in the time frame, I would lose a substantial amount of points. I yell towards them, "those damn merpeople wouldn't let me take both until the time was up, so I waited. Give me whatever score you want, I don't care about this damn thing anyway. For all I care, I could be in last place. As long as I survive, that's all I care about."

They don't hear me.

When everyone is headed back to the castle, I see Dumbledore and I am instantly furious, but I wait to act on my rage until I know Remus is safe with snuffles.

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