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A P H R O D I T E - G I L B E R T

WE WERE CLIMBING THE MOUNTAIN THAT... I had seen in Ray Sutton's mind... Nik was really serious about creating his hybrids which made me worry

What was he planning to do with his family? He always wanted to create hybrids to make sure he'd never be alone... but now that it was happening it made me worry for Kol, Rebekah, Elijah, and Finn their brother I've never met...

"What's going on between the two of you?" I heard Stefan ask both of us making me face heat up knowing what he was mentioning

"Nothing happened last night Stefan, just me showing her some interesting memories" Nik teased making me roll my eyes... "You loved the both of them Aph?" he asked and I stayed silent not knowing if I should answer...

"Aw come on my love answer your friend... you haven't spoken to him for the three months we've been with one another," he said and I sighed

"A long time ago yes, we were all together" I answered not wanting to face him still... "Did you dream of them even before they came to Mystic Falls?" he asked and I sighed "Yeah, it was when I saw Elijah that I saw my opportunity for the truth" I said  

"We had daggered Elijah" he confessed making me turn around "What?" I asked confused as he sighed "We thought you died, and we couldn't trust him so we daggered him, so when Klaus kidnapped you Elena had undaggered him" he said making me run my hand through my hair...

"I was gone for I don't even remember how long Stefan... but you thought what you were doing was right so I'll forgive you this once," I said and he nodded as we continued hiking up...

"You okay? Is Ray getting heavy?" Klaus asked Stefan "I'm fine" I heard him say..."Are you sure about that? You know, we've been walking for quite some time now... If you need some water or a little sit-down..." Klaus said in an attempt to talk to Stefan making me chuckle at the attempt

"You know, I get that we're, uh...we're stuck together, but if we could maybe just skip the chitchat, it'd be great," Stefan said making me giggle "So much brooding... Your self-loathing is suffocating you, my friend," he says as he looks at me and smiles as he suddenly by my side with a hand around my waist" Maybe it's 'cause I'm a little tired of hunting werewolves... 

We've been at it all summer" Stefan says and I sighed and silently agreed with him "Thanks to our pal Ray and of course my lovely enchantress, we found ourselves a pack... There" he said as he ruffled my hair making me giggle as he pointed up making me groan again...

"We're almost there enchantress... Do you want me to carry you? Would that be easier?" he asks making me roll my eyes "Oh shut it Niklaus" I said as he chuckled

"Elijah told you, about you being a siren?" Stefan asks and I nod... "I remembered Nik's nickname... enchantress and so I asked Bonnie about it and she gave me a book of creatures of the sea... and when I was reading it I found some similarities in traits" I explained

"But when I returned home there was a big bouquet of roses with a card with Elijah's number and so he explained everything to me," I said and he nodded understanding what I explained

"Looks like we finally found it," Nik said as I saw a pack of people setting up... "Ray! Oh, my God... What's going on? Who are you?" a woman screamed

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