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A P H R O D I T E - G I L B E R T

I WAS AT BONNIE'S... house to talk to her about using her magic on me...

Who was I in my past life was what I needed to know... before I went insane

"I don't know any spell to help you Aph..." Bonnie said defeated after reading through her grimoire... "Do you think I was human?" I asked and she looked at me softly

"You had to have been... I would've felt something from you" she said and I nodded "What if you can't? What if it's something similar to a werewolf where I'd have to unlock it?" I asked and she sighed

"I don't know Aphrodite... I do feel a sense of enchantment when I touch you but nothing like how I would feel with a werewolf or a vampire" she explained and I nodded but that word enchantment was now in my head

"What supernatural creatures are considered to be enchantresses?" I asked as she looked at me with a confused expression... "An enchantress? Why all of a sudden that?" she asked as she started looking through her grandmother's bookshelf...

"I don't know... one of the people from my dream used to call me an enchantress" I confessed... but I haven't been able to tell anyone about loving two brothers... I feel like they'd look down at me for it so I've kept it a secret...

"Well... there are lots of creatures that enchant humans, them being witches, sorcerers, warlocks, anyone who can wield magic... I can't think of anything else" she said as I sighed

"Though now that you point it out... supernatural creatures will show characteristics of those beings when still human... besides vampires I guess but remember when I used to predict things at random or how Tyler is unnecessarily aggressive?" she asked and I nodded

"What do you sense or do that's weird?" she asked and I shrugged... "I don't know Bonnie..." I said as she seemed to keep muttering enchantress...

"Mermaids, Sirens, Harpies, and Fairies are all from the same kind of magic and they all enchant those around them to want to be around them," she thought aloud... "You were always an easy person to talk to and people always wanted to associate themselves with you," she said and I sighed "I don't know that might be because I'm friendly?" I argued but she shook her head as she got a book on the sea and the forest...

"Mermaids and Sirens are quite similar, they both used to enchant sailors, and mermaids used to make them fall in love with them while sirens lured them in to kill them" she explained as I took a deep breath... "They both wield the same kind of  basic powers, the only difference is that sirens can change how they look to lure in these men as harpies can, only that harpies don't have a tail nor scales instead of feathers and wings," she said and I sighed

"You think I can either be a mermaid or a siren?" I asked and she nodded as I sighed "Faries are born as a fairy while mermaids and sirens can become one" she said and I nodded "Just read this book and I'll keep looking in the process for you" she said as she handed me the book of the sea...

"Fine..." I said and she smiled "Thanks to Bonnie," I said as I hugged her as I left... I started walking home when I started to read the book...

The first chapter was the basics of Mermaids and Sirens...

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