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A P H R O D I T E - A R L O T T


And I was starting to rethink everything... Niklaus freed Kol and Rebekah... who hate me

It was now two days since I left our home... I felt guilty for leaving them but I needed to think this relationship was truly the best for them...

I then saw rocks falling into the river I was hiding in... another human throwing stones?

I swam up when I saw Rebekah in tears throwing rocks... I sighed as I swan closer so she could hear me... "Throwing rocks hurt the fish you know?" I said to start our conversation and I saw her eyes widen

"You?!" she said as I sighed and I wanted to go back into the water as she glared at me... "You need to go back to Nik and Elijah," she said bitterly as I sighed "I've actually been thinking about what you said... about me being like Tatia... and your right, I'm no better a person than she was and I'm sorry to all of you for it" I apologize as I stared at the water not being able to face her...

"Yeah... Who are you to my brothers anyway?" she asked as I sighed "A lover? They had confessed to me in 1422... we have seventy-two years together... but I don't want to be the reason that you fight with your brothers Rebekah... That's the main reason I couldn't choose... I didn't want one being envious or hating the other because of my choice... Nik asked Elijah about this three-way relationship, and well he agreed and we've gotten along over the years" I said and she looked at me with guilt?

"Tatia enjoyed the attention of my brothers... she liked seeing them fight for her and the affection they'd both show her, I was worried you were the same but I guess you did for the opposite reason... she's the reason my brothers are vampires... her blood was what made the transition," she said and I nodded "They had told me many years ago," I said and she nodded

"I don't expect you to understand but despite each other's betrayals we are a family that will forever stay united... even if it means centuries worth of fighting and bickering we always come back together stronger than ever," she said and I nodded

"And I admire that... my family was never like yours and it's something that I deeply envy" I confessed as she looked at me in curiosity... "Where is your family?" she asks as I looked into the water feeling my heartache "Alive... Arlott Sirens tend to stay alive until someone kills us... but I am traitor to my family and so I have been banished" I said and she looked at me in curiosity "What did you do?" she asked

"What I didn't do... Family tradition states that I am to do the family sacrifice and kill a man" I said and she looked at me with furrowed eyebrows "Is it that bad?" she asks and I chuckle

"Well... I was drowned in a pool of blood infused with water by my own mother... and to be a siren you have to have someone continue killing people as a sacrifice... some wake up at the first body... I woke up at the 200th... I had hope even when I had drowned that not too many people would be sacrificed... I spent months of guilt and misery because of it... and my family was proud of it since sacrificing more men meant I was stronger than most sirens in our family..."

"A year later I was too find a suitor in our generation Ball... every Generation gets a Ball to complete family tradition... where I will choose the man to kill and eat," I said and she looks horrified "You'd eat someone? I could never imagine eating human flesh as a human," she said I sighed

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