Chapter 10

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There stood the werewolf raising his head into the clouds, emerging a howl.

"Calling for help?" the middle aged man from the cabin responded as he pointed a loaded shotgun at it

In anguish, the werewolf remained there growling at him. Hesitant of the right action to take, it froze in place. Seizing this opportunity, the man aimed for the face and pulled the trigger.

Out of reflex, it threw its elbow up in an attempt to use its forearm to act as a bulwark between the bullets and its face. Unbeknownst that it underestimated the capability of the man's ammunition. The bullets managed to drill their way into the werewolf's arm and stayed there. The healing factor that a werewolf would naturally have was not taking effect either. Instead the wound bled profusely. As the blood trickled down its arm, the pain was accompanied by a fiery stinging sensation.

There was only one explanation for this, silver bullets. The pain was so immensely torturous, that it rendered its arm useless.

The werewolf now aware of his disadvantage in this fight was left no choice but to remain on the defense, waiting for an opportunity to flee. Brimming with confidence, the man took a step forward and threw a knife at it. Using the claws of its left hand, the werewolf swatted it aside with ease. Without a second to lose, the hunter charged forward with a seperate knife aimed at its heart. Using its left hand again, it absorbed the blow by letting the knife blade sink into its palm. Even this minor stab caused the werewolf to burn from the inside as the knife, of all things, was also laced with silver. It felt almost too easy for the hunter. The werewolf bared its fangs, growled as it withstood the pain.

The man came prepared. After his previous encounter with the werewolf back in his house, no preparations could be deemed foolish. As seeing that he almost lost his life to the abomination standing before him.

He would do anything to achieve his victory. Silver is commonly known to fatally wound werewolves, nullifying their healing factor which in turn leads to their deaths.

Shrieking in pain, the belligerent nature the werewolf initially had suddenly vanished. Tension relieved from its shoulders, lacking the effort to even defend itself, his arms dangled lifelessly. Grinning from ear to ear, the man pressed the barrel of his shotgun up against the jaw of the werewolf as it towered over him. In that moment, tears filled its eyes as it glanced softly at the man before closing them for the last time.

"Now, I finally have you." the man announced as he dug the muzzle of his shotgun further into its jaw, while at this moment, the werewolf's eyes looked up into the sky as tears filled its eyes

Without faltering for even a second, the man glared as he ruthlessly released his rounds and watched as brain matter and streaks of red popped out the back like confetti.

Being nothing but an empty shell, gravity pulled at the body as it fell forward onto its killer.

Holding onto the weight of the soulless husk of a werewolf, the man leaned his body slightly to the left and tossed it to the ground

With a dumbfounded look on his face, the man tossed his weapon aside and cried out "I did it? It's over? Edgar, Marianne! I did it, I killed it. I've avenged you both! Ha ha!"

Chuckling as he basked in his glory, the man walked off towards his cabin.

Just then, pushing aside overgrown bushes, the two lost mice arrive on the scene.

"Look! It's a werewolf and it's... Oh... Urghhhh!" Kairo pointed out before looking away as he regurgitated his breakfast

Roselle knelt down beside the werewolf corpse unfazed.

"First time?"

"First time seeing a corpse? Obviously!"

"How are you so calm?"

"It gets easier... Eventually"

She lied. It was not something she had gotten used to. Nor did she even believe it was meant to get easier over time. Roselle just knew that regardless of how she felt towards the deceased, nothing would change. As to not waste time on unnecessary and inefficient displays of emotions, she chose to ignore the internal pain that she felt when she witnessed such things.

While they reacted as they did, the deceased monster began to shrink. Its fur faded, skin turned beige and a familiar face was revealed. It was Edgar. How could this be?

Edgar was the werewolf?

Staring blankly at Edgar's body, the image of a girl flashed before his eyes. Without knowing why, the image alone caused Kairo to lose the strength in his legs as he fell to his knees and tears poured from his eyes.

As Kairo continued to sob, Roselle looked away. Unaware of what procedures one would take to comfort another, she turned the other way as to respect him and his emotions.

Minutes of misery went by, awkwardness was emitting out of both of them and Roselle could not hold back anymore.

"Quite the waterworks there. He was nice to us, no questions asked. That alone is not something the heir of the Vampires can pass lightly without repayment. So, young one, how does some revenge sound? " Roselle stated as to break the silence

With bloodshot red eyes, Kairo took his hands off his face and stood up with a frown filled with rage and agreed "Pride or not, someone has to pay."

"No need for guesses on the who, there is only one fool who would dare do such a thing."

"Shall we go?" Kairo asked with a serious look on his face

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