Chapter 13: Prison

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"Well hey, we're here to explore and study this world, we have to act normal then."

"Normal? Yeah, well now we'll act normal..." Ashton responded.


"You know," I said while returning to my fox form (god this sounds like demonic shit), "We should go now. You know, to go explore or whatever..."

"Yeah, good idea," Ashton responded. 

As I walked outside, I see flashes of blue and red. Cars in black and white, "stay back," I told Ashton and Ava as I closed the door.

I could hear some of the officers "threat located, looks like a young fox, black and red fur." 

I was beyond confused. What did I do? Did they figure out what I did in the warehouse?

I hear "move in" from one of the officers as a team of police dressed in black with the word S.W.A.T on their vest, all heavily armed. As they made it up the stairs they commanded me "On the ground!"
I followed their orders, going on the ground as they cuffed me and took me back down. I just kept silent while they put me into a vehicle and drove away.


"what the hell? Did Cedil just get arrested?"

"I believe so... Ava, there is nothing we can do," Ashton told me, "we have to study the life on this planet. We can't go rescue Cedil, he's smart. I take that back he's not that smart, but he escaped worse situations than that before."


<At the station>

they took me in their interrogation room... They were talking to me about the warehouse incident. 

"You killed many others inside of that facility. May I ask why?" one of the officers questioned me.

"They found something out that they never should've known," I responded"

"Chances are, you'll either go to prison, or something go on Death Row."

"Well then. I prefer prison to Death Row," I responded.

"That depends on how much information you tell us," the officer responded, "tell us the truth.'

Since we're here to stay, might as well let the world know that I'm here. "I'm a protogen. A being from another universe"

After I said that, all I heard was the officers laughing, "what bullshit that is"

"they had me trapped in a chair... I killed them to keep my secret, now my secret is revealed," I said as I showed them my true form

"holy fuck what is this," the officer said, the other one sitting there amazed.

I turned back to a fox form, "besides, you wouldn't want to kill such a young fox? Would you?"

<a couple of weeks later>

So yeah I am going to prison. Not really the brightest of days, but it's better than death row. I don't even know what type of executions they use. Are they firing squad (WW2 flashbacks), hanging? Lethal injection? As soon as I got off the bus and in the prison, everyone seemed to be taller than me. While we were getting off the bus, the others on the bus seemed a bit scared. Hey, if we were sent to explore, why can't we explore all of it.

The prison was well constructed. Concrete walls and steel fortifications. As I was introduced to my cell there were three others in the cell. For the first time since I landed, I was scared. They were 3 buff guys, they had to all be ranging from 6'0" to 6'3", I just stopped.

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