Chapter 5: School and Memories

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[Systems Online]

[CPU Operating at 80% Efficiency]

[NF-31 Now Avaliable]

"Oh good! NF-31 your back!" I say. 

NF-31, my Electronic Personal Assistant says, "Of course I am. Where else would I be?"

"Well, I escaped a secure facility in this place where the locals call Earth. Everyone is Organic. 100% Organic and no Cyborg Mutations. No other Protogens, I'm wanted by the U.S Government, whatever that is," I tell NF-31.

NF-31 responds to me, "How did you manage to do that without me?"

"I blew-up a lot of stuff," I told NF-31.

NF-31 responds, "Of course you did, when I'm off, you can't let me return without blowing something up."

"Anyways, I'm going to a place called College, trying to blend in with others my age," I tell NF-31. 

NF-31 says, "Well, go on then. School starts in 30 minutes."

"Oh crap. Forgot I'm terrible at telling time," I tell NF-31. 




I prepared for what the locals call the school. I have supplies for it like something called a binder. I got these folders and backpack. Some writing tools like a pen. 

[I Hologram Camoflague myself to make me look as if I was 100% organic Fox]

As I walked to school, I tried to walk at a pace that wasn't so suspicious. About 3 Miles per Hour. As I soon arrived at College, I had to go to this place called the Auditorium. Now I have never been to an Earth School before, learning most of my skills in an Andromean school or by myself. They call each of us by name. I decide to go for the name "Cedil." I didn't provide the last name cause I don't really have any, and I can't put in my legit Protogen name, the police will notice that. "Cedil, no last name," I hear them call, as I walk up and grab the paper, I see that there are multiple room numbers to it, probably all my classes, them a dorm number and dorm keys. Probably a living space... Well, that's great, time to sell my Apartment. 

As I walked to my first class, Science. There were people who seemed like, I don't know... Jocks? They were buff and tall, messing with other kids, wearing sporty jackets. Yep, sounds like a Jock. As I try and avoid the Jocks to go to Science, trying not to be noticed. They leave the other kid, walk over to me. I look away, start to walk away, but right behind me, someone put their hand on my shoulder and turned me to look at them. They were at least 6' tall, compared to my 5'6" ass, they were tall. I look up and say, "What do you want." 

The Jocks respond, "Are you, Cedil. No last name? Why don't you got no last name?"

"Listen, I survived as a kid through the streets, I can survive through you," I respond.

"Oooooh, we're so scared," the Jocks sarcastically say. 

"Look, just let me get to class, it's my first time here," I tell them, trying to act normal.

"We got a newcomer, here let me introduce myself," The Jock says, "This is Brad, I'm Chuck."

Great, another Chuck... "I guess you already know me, Cedil, now I'm gonna get to class while you too can go harass someone else," I respond as I walk away.

Chuck and Brad, now looking at each other confused, "See you later Cedil."

Chuck said that to me in a kinky way. I never would call myself gay, but Bisexual. Anyways, I had to get to class, my first class. If this wasn't even the first class, how much madness is College gonna be?

Cedil's AdventureTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang