Chapter 10: Revenge

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---- TREADSTONE (Cedil) ----

I know that Chuck and Brad are now friends, but our enemies are Saw and Blitz. Those troublesome dogs. I ran a systems check.

[Systems Checking]

[Systems Online]

[CPU Operating at 99.12% Efficency]

I was healed by then, Ashton was still cut down and charging, assuming that he'll wake up soon. He looks so... I can't possibly have a crush on him, another Protogen. I then quickly grab something to eat, I put on my hologram, walk out and I see Seiko on the couch, like normal. It's good how he's acting normal throughout all of this. I was then planning what I could do to build a communication device. I wanted to build it within my head and Ashton's head. So I got to work working on Ashton's head. I had to shut Ashton off, hopefully, make it up to him with this device actually working. As I made so the antenna was retractable, I turned Ashton back on. He jumped while seeing me, nearly hitting his head. "Why is my hologram off Cedil?"

"I turned it off so I could input a new communication device into your head," I told Ashton.

"You," Ashton hesitated, "WHAT!"

I could tell he was angry, "Calm down Ashton, you can now communicate between the base with that." I then handed him a comm system, "You'll communicate with me with these comms."

I was then using a mirror to put my own comm system with to contact base on, I succeded. 

When we eventually have gone back to school after a weekend of Seiko leaving the house and returning while Ashton and I just sitting around, adjusting each other's comm sets and teaching each other a few tricks. Ashton taught me how his visor worked. He was an ex-Security Protogen. He taught me some Security Protocols that might get me out of trouble. I taught him how to successfully hack into a Government such as the Andromedan or US Government. They track the breach, but I always escape in time. I also told him how I kept bypassing the security force that Ashton was in to break into the Andromedan Government Facility. Some serious Hitman shit. I just would never harm another Protogen unless I really need too.

When Ashton and I were at school, we kept a lookout for Saw and Blitz. "When we see those two dogs," I said to Ashton, "Ignore them, they attack us use your sensors to dodge their attacks from behind, use self-defense, we cannot reveal the fact that we have guns on a school campus."

"10-4 Treadstone," Ashton said, now using my code name. "Just call me Cedil, TREADSTONE have brought back way to much of my assassin days in my memory."

Throughout the day everything was clear. Ashton and I parted at a lunch break. I hung out with Kevin. We talked about the robotics team in which he was enrolled in. I would do very well in that class, I might enroll in it. My commlink soon flashed, I answered it. "Cedil we got a situation, back of the locker rooms."

"10-4 Ashton, on my way," I responded.

"What was that about," Kevin asked me.

"I made a Commlink so I can communicate between my roommate and me," I said, "I'm just going to say it's somewhat Military Operations. Keep this a secret."

I walked away from Kevin, towards the rear of the Locker Room. As I Stationed against a wall, looking at the rear of the locker room for cover, I saw this concrete slab. I soon ran to it, sliding against it, looking over, seeing Ashton on his knees with Saw and Blitz standing behind him with the other 4 looking like bodyguards. "Call your boyfriend, tell him that you need his help," I hear Blitz say. I start to look for another place to move up. I soon then turned my head looking if anybody would see me. I went to thermal cameras, not seeing anybody. I soon turned on invisible camouflage, moving in slowly trying not to step onto anything. to show that I was there. I have gone behind them, turning off my camouflage, revealing me behind them. I soon kicked two of the dogs right in their stomach while Ashton jumped up punching Blitz and Saw in the face, the other two dogs charged at Ashton, I took out one of them but the other gone to Ashton, punching him right in the shoulder since the hologram was just a hologram, he was punching metal. He grabbed his fist as he looked at Ashton, punching him in the stomach repeatedly. As there lie 6 people on the ground, I told Ashton to go, I would deal with them. As Ashton walked away, I squat down towards Saw and Blitz, "Don't mess with us you sick fuck."

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