Chapter 2: The SCP Foundation

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[Systems Online]

[CPU Operating at 52.35% Efficiency]

[7% Power Remaining: Approximately 53 hours left until critical]

My CPU efficiency has gone down by 15%. For how long I was knocked out, I'm actually surprised. I guess they stopped the bleeding on the back of my head. I seem to be trapped in a room. Scanning the room, I see there is a glass window and a one-sided window. "SCP-6426, How do you feel?" I hear from the speakers, clearly showing the voice coming from the Glass Window, as there are more people on the One-sided mirror. I then notice a door, and on the other side of it, there are at least 10 guards. 

"I feel fine. However, my CPU is operating at only 52.35% efficiency and my Battery level is at 7%. Do you have a Charger I could use? A 4000 Volts and 800 Watts as a lower end charger," I reply, hoping that I could get charged so I can escape this place.

"SCP-6426, it says your from the Andromeda Galaxy? Sector ZA... Planet Designation 5246A..." The scientist tells me.

"Correct, It's a lower end of Andromeda, but I have worked my way up by joining the Andromedan Military, Volunteering as a Protogen being top of my class. I then became an Assasin for the Andromedan Mafia. After the Military got me back in their hands, they gave me and 5 other Protogens a place to explore, to map out." I respond in a calm voice.

"We have a Charger, but it's a 3000 Volt, 700 Watt charger. The most powerful one we have right now," he says.

"Wow, you must be behind in Technology," I respond.

"SCP-6426, you were sent for mapping right?" The scientist says.

"Correct sir," I respond. I was getting a bit pissed off that he keeps calling me an "SCP."

"SCP-6426, wo...."The scientist says

I cut him off saying, "Please, call me Protogen Cedil."

"Ok, Protogen Cedil, would you even if you somehow got free, kill randomly?" The scientist asks. 

"Why, are you afraid that I would do that? Just for your sake, I will say the common answer, not unless I have to. I will follow my Protocol." I respond, trying not to scare him.

The scientist turned off the speaker, but I know what he's saying, he's saying "send the guards in!"

{The Door Opens, Revealing not 10, but 20 Guards}

As the guards surround me. I say to them, "What are you doing? What have I done to provoke you?"

The scientist replies with, "Protogen Cedil, you are being removed to a more. Secure cell."

I got blindfolded, but that didn't stop me from seeing through. I saw where they were taking me, through many different hallways and floors. I see some doors that said Keter-Class that was blocked by 2 guards. Other classes were Safe and Elucid. I guess Keter is the most dangerous, Elucid I could be harmful, Safe is safe, and some of them roam the SCP building. As the SCP guards who were all mixed-species guided me, I got to this cell, it was a bit more secure than the previous place I was. Doors locked no windows and a one-way mirror. I could easily escape this, but I don't tell the guards so they don't put me in another cell. As they left, I find myself plugged into a charger, probably the one that the Scientist told me about. I hear on the speakers, "This is your new home, you are known as I previously said, SCP-6426, and you are an Elucid-class SCP."

"You know, I'm getting pretty pissed of you calling me SCP-6426," I respond. I didn't want to hurt "all" of them, so I didn't really try escaping. I had the occasional visitors who were something called the D-class, I could only guess it was test subjects. I didn't do anything to them. They gave me the occasional poke, I just said: "stop it." One time a D-class, a bear species, actually punched me across my screen. He seemed about 6'5" while I was only 5'6" (yeah small I know). I got angry, not showing any signs of harm to the D-class, and here one of them is who punched me. I stood up out of my charging, unplugged so I am not limited to moving. As the D-class stepped away, all I said was, "Don't do that again, it will be your grave." As I have gone back, he kicked me and I slammed my head against the hard concrete wall. "You're not so tough," he says. 

"What is your name," I ask him, checking for screen damage.

He replies, "I'm Chuck."

"Well... Chuck. That is the last mistake you'll ever make." I say. I soon walked up towards him. I could tell in his eyes he is not afraid.

"Fight me you coward," Chuck shouts at me. 

"This... Is... Your... Last... Mistake..." I tell Chuck, "Bears aren't a tough species."

As Chuck charges at me, I swiftly dodge and push him into the wall. As Chuck feels his head, all I do is look at him. 

"argh..." Chuck says as he learned from that mistake, he then charges at me with a fist.

"Missed," I say as I dodge again. I then kick him using the Roundhouse Kick. Wow, Martial Arts did help me out.

As I see blood coming out of his nose, I say, "This is your final warning, stand down, or be destroyed."

Chuck says, "What, you think I'm a coward?"

"I don't think you're a coward, knowing your actions you're a fool," I respond. 

Chuck then charges at me again, while I then hit him, then punching him repeatedly right on his head. Security then enters and stops the fight. Something unexpected, probably the first them they rescued a D-class. It turned out he wasn't a D-class, but  a Russian Mixed Martial Arts fighter in the MMA, I think that's what they call it on this "earth." I clearly showed that I am powerful compared to these weaker species. Even my 5'6" ass could beat a professional MMA fighter towering me at 6'5" which was surprising to the Scientists.

As I replug myself to charge, I figured nobody would want to mess with me anymore. I was charged to a nice steady 79%. It wasn't like the 7% from earlier. I could shut down and let myself charge for a while. I could eat after I shut off. It's just 3 weeks without food so far.

[Systems Shutting Off]

(Wow, 1088 words for one chapter)

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