Chapter 9: Ashton

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As I headed back to the Dorms, I kept worrying about Cedil. If he keeps acting weak, he'll never survive. As I opened the dorm door, I saw Seiko on the couch watching football. "Congratulations man, I hear you got the Tight End position!" Seiko told me, "Wait, where's Cedil?"

I hesitated to say, "H-he's in the hospital. He was silt in the stomach by Saw and Blitz."

"No," Seiko said, "Saw and Blitz went too far this time," Seiko said to me. 

I was pissed off. I wanted to just kill the two fuckers. That's not what Cedil would want though. Should I really tell him that I had feelings for him? Should I tell him that I had a crush on him? Ever since I was sent to hunt him back in the Andromedan Galaxy, I had not cared for Cedil, but then now I developed a crush. I have never seen him before. Now that I have, I could tell that he was cute. I could see why people kept staring when we were at college. 

The next day I have gone to College,  it was a Monday. Saw and Blitz came up to me, "Miss your boyfriend?"

"He's not my boyfriend, he's an old friend," I tell him, "You don't want to do this, I'm still pissed at you for slitting Cedil's stomach."

"Like we're gonna do anything to you," Blitz said. Saw then says, "Oh wait, we are."

Saw then punched me in the stomach. I was stronger then Cedil, I was stronger than these two shits. I just said, "you have just made a mistake."

As Blitz threw his fist at me, I grabbed it, punched him in the side, and threw him to the ground. I then looked at Saw, punching him right in the head for what he did to Cedil. I walked away while a crowd just surrounded Blitz and Saw. "You made a mistake Ashton!" Saw yelled at me. I didn't care, I just walked away.

After school ended, I started walking back to the dorm, but first to the hospital to check on Cedil. I have gone in an alleyway as a shortcut and found Saw and Blitz there. "I knew you would come and visit your boyfriend faggot." 

I noticed that there were 2 people now behind me. I couldn't win a 4v1 if I wasn't a Protogen. I soon lifted my shirt, revealing a pistol. "You don't want to do this."

"Moron, this is Indiana," Saw says, all 4 people taking out a pistol, pointing it at me. "Put your gun down, and we won't have to shoot you," Blitz says.

"Yeah like nobody will hear you, it's 3:40 in the afternoon," I said.

One of the people behind me said, "You will regret what you did to Blitz and Saw," as I turned around to see, there were two more dogs. They were all dogs. Blitz, Saw, the two others. They were dogs. Not Wolves like me, but dogs. I was soon shot on my right leg, the loud boom I heard, the bullet penetrating through my right leg, I could feel. Luckily it didn't hit my bone, but it hit my flesh. I fell to the ground while people looked into the alleyway. Since there are somewhat numbers of gun owners in Indiana, they took action, called the police, and soon Saw, Blitz, and the others fled. "Sir are you ok?" It was a cat. A cat nurse. 

"Yeah, I'm ok," I respond, "I got shot on my right leg. I can't stand."

"Sir stay calm, we're taking you to the hospital," the nurse said.

As I was at the hospital, I hacked into the hospital, revealing that Cedil healed already. It's been, say 2 weeks vs the 4 weeks they estimated. All I needed was a bandage, but I couldn't play football for another 2 weeks. As I found Cedil going out of the hospital, I walked to him. "Hey, Cedil!" I said. 

"Oh hey, Ashton," Cedil told me, "What happened to you?"

"Blitz shot me on my right leg. No broken bones though," I told Cedil.

Cedil walked up to me slowly, hugging me. I was amazed that he hugged me, I just hugged him back. "I missed you," Cedil told me, looking up at me. I could tell that he was blushing. "We need to get you back to the dorm."

As we got back to the dorm, Seiko noticed Cedil went up, hugged him, "are you ok Cedil?"

"Yes Seiko I'm ok," Cedil told Seiko, "Thank you both for looking for me."

"Woah Ashton, what happened to you?" Seiko asked.

"I got shot my Blitz on my leg," I responded, "nothing serious, didn't hit any bones."

And just like that, Cedil was gone. I didn't see him anywhere. Seiko and I were occupied talking to each other. He checked his room, it was locked. "Cedil you in there?" Seiko called.

"Seiko, he isn't in there, he has gone out," I noticed his car is gone. 


There was an explosion, I could assume that it was Cedil, but Seiko doesn't know him like me. We both rushed outside to see Cedil, lying on the ground, out of his hologram. Of course, Seiko didn't know who he was because he wasn't in his hologram. I rushed to Cedil. "Cedil!" I kept shaking him. His screen was blank. "That's not Cedil," Seiko told me.

"I'll explain later, right now help me take him inside," I told Seiko. 

As we took Cedil inside, I locked the doors, closed the curtains. "Cedil and I are Protogens."

"That's not possible," Seiko said, "There is only one protogen."

I turned off my hologram. "We are Protogens, there are two of us, I was the one unnoticed, but this one was the one who killed many people. This wasn't his choice, they imprisoned him and he got permission from the US Government and the President himself to live a normal life."

"W-wow," Seiko said. I don't think he knew what else to say.

Cedil woke up, his screen powering up. "01010011 01100101 01101001 01101011 01101111 00100000 01101011 01101110 01101111 01110111 01110011 00100000 01110100 01101000 01100101 00100000 01110011 01100101 01100011 01110010 01100101 01110100 00100000 01100100 01101111 01100101 01110011 01101110 00100111 01110100 00100000 01101000 01100101 00111111" (This means "Seiko knows the secret, doesn't he?)

"01011001 01100101 01100001 01101000 00100000 01101000 01100101 00100000 01100100 01101111 01100101 01110011," I told Cedil. (This means "Yeah, he does")

"Keep this secret, if the Government knows about two of us, they will eliminate us, and you," I told Seiko. 

"Y-yeah ok," Seiko says.

"Nobody else saw that everyone rushed to the explosion," I told Cedil, "What happened?"

"M-my car is back at the public parking lot," Cedil says, "I-I was just headed back until."

There was a pause. "I saw a grenade while I was walking. I started to run took a quick peek and identified the guy as a criminal. One of Saw's relatives."

As Cedil started to heal himself, I turned back on my hologram disguise and dragged Cedil back to his room. As he laid on the bed, I started to hack the Police Database and tell all units to look for a suspected Bully Bog breed, looks 30, he is armed and dangerous, he is in possession of grenades. 

I then plugged into Cedil's charger, while it was not as powerful as I needed it to be, it still works. This will take 10 hours to charge fully. The door was locked to Cedil's room, with me and Cedil in it. I have Seiko a task, not to open Cedil's door to anyone. 

[Systems Check]

[CPU Operating at 100% efficiency]

[Battery 4% Critical]

[Battery Charging]

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