Chapter 15: A New Protogen

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I was waiting outside for Ashton. He walked out and told me: "Cedil is now an enemy, kill on sight."

"What?" I said, "really? Cedil? Now our enemy?"

"Yeah, these are our orders," he'd say.

"Maybe Cedil was right, something's wrong with base. We're doing their dirty work," I'd say.

"We do this, then we talk about it..." He'd say.



I got out of the vents into the changing room. There was a small light that lit the small, darkroom. I tried to look for clothes that could fit me within the room. I eventually fit into janitor clothes. I have gone out of the changing room walking finding the Janitor's room without spotting a protogen. I have gone inside the Janitor's room finding a keycard, a mop, and a mop bucket. There was a floor that needed cleaning, I decided that would be a place where I could fit in. I have gone out of the room, walking down the room with the mop bucket to the elevator, passing 2 Security Protogens who paid no attention to me.

When I entered the elevator, there were 2 other Protogens, seemed former military and been here for a long time, "You the new Janitor Protogen?" One of them asked me.

"Yes sir," I responded. 

"Finally, a Protogen Janitor who respects their superiors," the other one said.

"What's your level?" He asked.

"Two, level mess hall," I replied.

"We're going there as well," the other said, "getting a bite to eat."

*"shit... I didn't think this would have happened..." I thought to myself*
"You lead the way, I'll follow," I said.

"Sounds good to me," one of them would respond.

When the elevator opened I followed them, if I want to fit in, I'll have to do the job. We eventually arrived at the mess hall and I started to mop the floor.
*"From Military Protogen to this... Amazing," I'd think to myself*

I could hear chatter from other Military Protogens in the mess, "Is that the new Protogen?" "When did we get a new Protogen?" "Where did he come from?"

After I finished I head towards the exit before I was stopped by a Protogen, I could easily tell his rank, Colonel, "Where are you going?"

"Sir, I was... um... Headed..."

"What's your name?" he'd ask.

"I'm... Janitor Joe," I'd say backing up slightly.

The colonel aimed his gun at me, "Alright, 'Janitor Joe', hands up, on your knees. We got an unknown Protogen on base."

Two other protogens came behind me, the same ones who were in the elevator with me. 

"Look... Guys... Can we just talk about this?" I'd ask them.

"I'll talk to you when you're behind bars," The Colonel said.

"Look, guys, I don't want to start any violence..."

"Then on your knees, hands up. You move once you're shot."

When one of the two protogens came up to me I threw a punch at him, hitting him right on the stomach as I felt a sharp pain in my leg, followed by me falling, then being restrained by the two protogens, "Take him to the jail, I'll talk to him in a bit."

We arrived in the jail, I was thrown in there, taking off my janitor shirt and wrapping it around my leg. There was another Protogen in there, a green protogen.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2021 ⏰

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