Chapter 9

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Third P.O.V

Leila sat on the jeep bouncing her legs in anticipation as they neared the green fields. The lush warm air breezed through her making her inhale them deeply and exhale with a sigh. Eric glanced and saw her eyes closed with her mouth parted open as though tasting the windy air.  Eric smiled and then composed his face into his signature scowl as the Amity gates opened. The Amity's who were working in fields gazed worriedly as the Dauntless jeep zoomed inside. Eric swiftly parked and then jumped out of his side. Leila unbuckled her seat belt and struggled to get down, causing Max to help her while Eric tried to be nonchalant to her pain. Johanna stood  in front of the building with Jeanine Mathews and his own mother Jenna Coulter.

Eric sauntered towards Jeanine and hugged her making Jeanine send a nasty smirk towards Jenna. Jenna Coulter clenched her fist and turned towards the front lane watching the young woman waddling towards them. Johanna stepped down and hugged the girl tightly. Jeanine cleared her throat and send a conceding smirk towards Johanna.

"She is a Dauntless Johana , Faction before blood remember "

"Once an Amity, always an Amity Jeanine or have you forgotten Amity's motto ?" Jeanine sneered and faced Leila. Leila steeled her eyes and stared at her. Jeanine snorted and turned to shake Max's hand. Suddenly , one of her minions rushed towards her and whispered something. Jeanine snarled in displeasure, turning to Max and Johanna , she informed them that she has matters to attend and had to leave urgently. Jenna Coulter stepped forward .

"You must be here for the decision to be made "

"Eric is here, he knows the value of Faction before blood. I trust the dauntless leader more so than you sister !"

Leila frowned but wisely shut her mouth and stepped aside as Jeanine marched away. Once she left, the atmosphere turned less toxic with Max bursting the bubble by exhaling loudly. Leila grinned at Johanna whom introduced Dr Jenna Coulter to her. The good doctor hugged her tightly . Leila pat her back and awkwardly and send a pleading glance to Eric. Eric smirked and tapped his mother. Jenna Coulter stiffened but let go of her. Johanna then ushered Eric, Leila and Jenna to the Amity examination room and barred Max and Four from entering. Instead they were told to guard unwanted visitors and snooping idiots .

" You look like your going to pop anytime hon"

"What.. really ? I." Leila sent an alarming look to  Johanna. Johanna smiled and informed Jenna that Leila's own mother was like that when pregnant with her sister Lana. 

"She had only one child Jo ?"

"Yes, though everyone thought she might pop out two little ones."

Dr Jenna nodded and began examining her. She then made Leila lay down on the bed and administer the stimulation. When Leila woke up, Eric and Johana looked apprehensive but Jenna nonchalantly hand her a glass of water and readied the report.  Once she finished she gave a steel look to her son.

"What would you do if I say that the baby is a divergent ?"

"I will kill you right here if you tell this out to Jeanine! "

"Eric..she is your mother !"

"Thats my baby Leila! I will kill anyone who tells this to Max nor Jeanine! "

Johanna and Jenna exchanged glances. Johana smiled and left the family to their privacy after assuring Eric that she didn't hear anything including the divergent nor killing a faction leader and an esteemed doctor. Once  Johana left, Jenna Coulter hugged her son tightly with tears pouring down her eyes. He wiped his mothers tears gently.

"Oh baby boy, I am so glad that there is still good in you !"

"I am not a saint mother... If its someone else I might have killed them but now.. it changes everything !"

Jenna nodded and then gave him the copy. Jenna then kissed Leila's forehead and walked away from the room. Outside there was two Erudite spies waiting for her.

"What's the need for secrecy ?"

"There was NO secrecy Adam ! He wanted to know if he can fuck his wife at this time or not  and Johana didn't want to listen to it .After all its a shameless thing to ask!"

The erudite and the amity's nearby gasped while Four and Max smirked. 

"And how do we know what your saying is true Jenna ? "

"Because my son loves his faction above blood remember ! "

Adam stared skeptically at Jenna but seeing Eric's face, the smugness radiated from Adam and he nodded satisfied with the good doctor's reason. Jenna then walked away briskly with Adam leaving after leering at Leila. Once the Erudites left, Johana brought the Dauntless inside the cafeteria. Leila stopped the others from taking the famous Amity bread causing the others to frown. Leila whispered to them that a serum in added to the breads that makes Amity soo happy that others find it unnatural. Max chuckled " So that's why when your father whom left raging like a bull came back sedated when we first came here ?"

Leila nodded blushing. Eric suddenly stiffened and place his hand on her shoulder.  

" that"

Leila turned around and gasped "Lana !"

 The little girl rushed and hugged her big sister. 

"I miss you.. oh god you look so big now "

"Oh Lana, I missed you so much too, Where's daddy and mama ?"

Lana pointed to the table at the left where Leila saw her mother's wistful eyes and her dad's frown. Leila glanced and Eric who looked at Max whom nodded. Leila was then helped by Lana and waddled to that said table. Her mother engulf her in a big hug causing the three ladies to hug and cry at the same time. Suddenly her father stood up and was about to walk away  when Leila ran and hugged his leg weeping. Eric frowned and was about to walk towards them when Johana grabbed his hand and withheld him. Frowning he watched Leila's dad clenching and unclenching his hands while the mother and sister looked hopeful. Eric jerked his hand out and strode towards them. Glaring at Leila's father, he bend down and helped Leila while she kept murmuring daddy while bawling her eyes out.

Facing the older man Eric stated  " This might be last time you saw your daughter or grandchild and your still letting your animosity for me to hurt your daughter ! What kind of father are you !"

Howard chuckled and pulled Leila towards him. He kissed her forehead and wiped her tears using his thumb. He then pushed her towards Eric while smirking.

"The same one you will be in the future boy !"

Eric snarled and was about to retort but Howard continued "Once a dauntless, always a dauntless" Eric frowned and looked to Leila whom nodded. Eric smirked and  nod his head. After hugging her parents and sister and also  Johana once gain, the dauntless left the Amity's gate.


DANG DANG DANG.. so what do you guys think about Dr Jenna Coulter ?? and Howard off course I hope everyone remembered how he and Eric had a fight when Leila was in the hospital!! As for Jeanine Mathews..I hope I did a good work in writing her...she is kinda difficult for me to write to be honest thus I made her leave early ! 

Anyways please dont forget to vote, comment and share the story!! <3 

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