Chapter 14

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Third P.O.V

Leila was pacing down the living room shushing the wailing baby while Tris was feeding Meera. The fussy toddler however attempted to crawl away only to be catched by Caleb who swung her like an airplane before landing her down on Tris's lap with a 'swoosh' sound.  Lucas who just entered the living room that moment then throw a fuss demanding to play that way causing Leila to chuckle and Caleb to 'play' with Lucas this time. Gina and Amy came inside carrying a plate of Turkey sandwiches with chips and Fruit juice for the children and coffee for the adults. 

Leila gently wiped Iris's face as the baby finally fall into a fitful sleep. She gently placed her on the blanket popping two bolsters on each side of her making sure the baby doesn't roll away. Gina smiled softly and handed her a sandwich. Once Meera finished eating , the wee one crawled and laid down next to Iris pushing away the bolster on her right and then snuggled with the said baby. Lucas wolfed down his chips and did the same on Iris's left side.  Once the littlest ones fell asleep, the adults started talking in hushed tones.

" Its been nearly a day, yet no one came back ..."

" Tris its been like this since the start of our world...It is not easy to turn things over right away..."

Tris frowned " It was Jeanine who said Divergent are threats!"

"That is what that has been taught to us and all others before us...however the issue isn't about Divergent liberation....Tris "

Tris sighed and nod. Amy smiled helplessly and offered to wash the dishes dragging her brother with her. Albeit-ly glaring Caleb reluctantly followed his twin. Leila leaned over and once both the silhouettes disappeared she glanced back to Gina frowning and pouting simultaneously.

" Why...why didn't you tell me ?"

Gina calmly took a bite of her chips making Leila frowning and whacked her arms.

"Ouch ..gentle you crazy woman !"

Tris followed Leila's lead and sat next to Gina and poked her ribs causing the older woman to groan.

"Alright ...fine ..wait..ouch Tris !!"

Leila tapped her feet impatiently making Gina groan.

"It was ten years ago..."


"So.. Leila its not the same situation like either of yours ! "

"But Max...he..."

Gina snorted " He what... promised you he will make Eric visit you ? make Eric accept you ?"

Leila nodded causing Gina to cackle in frustration. "How did he manage that ? "

Leila blushed wringing her fingers." I...he didn't because Eric.."

"Exactly Eric took responsibility ! He might have been an utter bastard but he manage to be there for you ...he accepted the child regardless of the conception...he even changed his fucking attitude to eliminate divergent because of you and Iris...made amends with his rival and now risking everything to ensure no faction eliminate divergent and instead focus on their own factions...."

Tris frowned " Wouldn't have  Max accepted if you told him ?" Gina stared at both the younger girls looking earnestly and sighed.

"Do you know who I am...or rather who I was ten years ago ?" Leila and Tris looked at each other and turned to her and shake their heads. Gina took a sip of her coffee .

" My mom was a Candor was dauntless by birth... Well shortly speaking there was four of us ...siblings...My grandfather was one of the leader...died within a year after my initiation...Max was then appointed.. So before he passed away he ..he created the position of babysitters in dauntless partly due to me...everybody assumed I would be in Amity...I was supposed to but I didn't ....maybe if I did then I would have had a family to raise and a different lifestyle.. So my Eldest brother is in Erudite ...younger sister in Candor and the other two of us in dauntless...understand so far ?"

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