The Devil's Dance

Start from the beginning

"You haven't had sex? I swear you were the one upset about the no adultery rule..."

"Getting my dick sucked, sure, but no... I haven't actually fucked in that long... They said to try to avoid it for the first year" Marshall said, tugging at his jumper neck with his free hand, almost nervous "Was pretty hot though, uh, I ant been that hot under the collar for years... Ignoring the fact I can't even remember the last 4 years, but damn"

"Yeah, I can't remember the last time I had sex sober, it still was..." I said turning away starting to blush "Pretty heated, I haven't felt like that in years"

Marshall chuckled "Daisy Duke you flatter me, are ya gonna ghostwrite a song about it?"

"We'll see" I laugher "You know how you asked me who Before He Cheats was about?"


"It was Beau... He's actually got a lot of songs about him"

"Damn he must have done you real dirty"

I nodded slowly "He was one of the guys I actually chose myself, and fell in love with, I lost it and went bezerk, one of the factors that added to my drinking, Austin saw me smashing up his car and slashing his tyres and covered up my tracks and made out like it was a random vandalism and was my alibi"

"loyalty, I dig it" Marshall said, then continued with a displeasing grunt as he pulled into my garage "That Big ass motherfuckin Rambo lookin' cowboy, it's his loss"

We got out of my car and headed inside.

"I'm gonna head up for that shower that okay?"

"Marshall you don't have to ask me for permission to shower, I'm just gonna update Aunt Jo"

He noted and then headed up the stairs quietly as I went into the lounge room, finding my Aunt Jo dosing on the couch.

I sat down quietly next to her, and gently woke her.

"Hey Darlin'" She smiled "Howa that brother of yours?"

"He's fine, broke his collar bone, was already kickin' up a stink wanting to go home"

"In glad he's okay, I wish he'd get a safer job" She sighed.

"Me too Aunty, trust me"

"That sweet boyfriend of yours was so kind as to drive you, he must love you very much, poor man looked bewildered before you both left for the hospital..." She said then gave me a playful smile "I heard you two crashing about when you got home, I was so sorry to have disturbed you"

"Oh I'm sorry we woke you up..."

"Oh hush child, this is your house, and if you two wanted to knock boots all over the place it's none of my business, your momma on the other hand probably cried herself to sleep"

I blushed and then whispered "She heard? I thought she would have popped her pills and been out cold anyways"

My aunty gave me a wicked cackle "That woman thinks Marshall has used black magic on you, said he's got a devil dick"

"Aunty, now I know you're lyin' to me"

"Funny that because it's true... Except she didn't say devil dick exactly... But she said something along the lines of it, said that man's a sinner for sure and doesn't belong with you"

"And what did you say?"

"I said honey, if you knock on the devil's door, he will slam you through the wall, if Harley wants to be bad, he can show her every position it comes in"

I covered my face, now bright red remembering earlier in the night when Marshall was in fact slamming me into walls "You didn't say that"

"I did" She tackled again "She slammed her bedroom door so hard you house almost fell down"

Jesus Christ, my mother would be fuming.

I kissed my Aunt on the cheek and got up heading to my bedroom, smiling to myself thinking about how angry she would be.

My stomach started to twist as got closer to the bedroom, taking a breath as I opened the door slowly and walking in, the smell of Marshall's cologne hitting my senses as he stood, in nothing but silk boxers riding low on his hips, muscular body in full view, running his hand through his wet hair, turning to look at me from his bag of clothes.

He gave me a devilish smirk that was almost the end of me.

I bit my lip.

How I wanted the devil to slam me through a wall right now.

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