Chapter 4: Nightmares

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Nolan looked over at Alec still sleeping; his own eyelids were heavy, but he didn't want to sleep. He hated sleeping; he was always woken up by some awful nightmare. It was either the hunters coming back, Monroe killing him, Gabe haunting him from the dead, he somehow actually killing Liam, one of the pack members killing him; it varied, but he hated. He hadn't slept normally in months; his body was always exhausted, but he just fought through it. He sat there trying not to watch Alec sleep, but he looked cute, laying on his shoulder. He glanced at his phone; it was already 2 AM. He couldn't stay awake any longer and fell asleep leaning back on the chair behind him.

Nolan opened his eyes, and it was dark. He looked down at his wrists, and they were chained to the ground. He hated being trapped more than anything; he tried to pull at him, but he was too weak to even pick up his arms.

"Hey, Nolan," Gabe smirked at him walking in the room, "looking for your friends to save you. Oh, wait you don't have any? What you thought they forgave you? How could they; you are a monster, Nolan?"

Nolan winced at his words, knowing they were all true. Gabe's chest was bleeding out on the floor, but he continued to pace in front of the ex- hunter. He shoved an arrow in Nolan's hand.

"How about you actually kill someone?" Gabe grabbed Alec out of a cage in the back of the room.

"Nolan," Alec whimpered. Nolan tried to let go of the arrow, but he couldn't. He couldn't move at all.

"No," Nolan cried.

"Cry, Nolan, you're weak," Gabe smiled as he laid Alec down on the arrow tip. Nolan watched the boy's eyes go lifeless as he cried, suddenly the chains were gone. Nolan was holding the arrow in Alec's chest; Gabe was gone. He heard the door swing open, and Liam, Theo, Mason, and Corey ran in.

"You are a monster," Mason looked at him.

"I knew we shouldn't have trusted him," Corey grimaced.

"Guess I was the only one who changed," Theo said as he let go of Liam's hand.

Nolan saw the beta's eyes turn yellow as he jumped at him, ready to kill.

Nolan woke up panting, tears were dripping down his face.

"Hey, Nolan look at me," Alec was gripping his shoulder.

Nolan met eye contact with the werewolf; it was a dream.
"It's okay," Alec said softly, "it's okay."

Nolan caught his breath and composed himself after a few moments.

"Are you okay?" Alec looked at him.

Nolan nodded.

"What happened?"

"Nightmare" Nolan muttered.

"What about?"

"It was nothing; sorry for waking you up."

"Nolan, it wasn't nothing; you don't look okay. You don't need to apologize either; you couldn't control it."

"I just have them; it's nothing," Nolan went to stand up. He was lightheaded from a mix of exhaustion and panic. Alec pulled him down as he saw him waver on his feet.

"I think you need some sleep," Alec looked at him.

"I don't think I should."

"Nolan, you have to sleep. You look like you haven't slept right in a while."

Alec wasn't wrong; he didn't know the last restless sleep he had. It was probably when Gabe knocked him out actually.

"I'm okay."

"C'mon," Alec pulled him off the ground, noticing how easy it was to lift the boy. The werewolf had a few inches on him, but still, the boy was like weightless. He pulled him onto the couch. "Lie down," he instructed him.

"I'll be right beside you; if you wake up, wake me up," Alec told him, leaning back. Nolan nodded as the boy laid back once again. He felt his eyelids getting heavy again and tried not to give in, but was unsuccessful.

Opening Up (Nolan Holloway TW)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें