Chapter 3: Pack Bonding

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Nolan pulled into Liam's house. Theo was sitting on the couch when they walked through the door.

"Hey, Nolan," Theo got up, grabbing Liam around the waist and kissed him.

"How was work?" Liam looked up at him.

"Good, no new hunters insight as well," Theo told the beta. He started working for Argent with at his security firm as well as helping him track hunters on the side. The man paid him well and gave Theo more of a chance to do good with his new life. "School?"

"Okay, I didn't fail my calculus test," Liam answered.

"You got a D didn't you?"

"Maybe," Liam admitted.

"It's getting better," Theo stared at him, "how are you doing Nolan?" He asked remembering the boy standing there.

"I'm good," Nolan replied.

"Well, Mason, Corey, and Alec should be over in the next hour; want to play a few rounds?" Liam went over and grabbed his controller, "dad's working a double, and my mom has a conference this weekend, so it's just us tonight."

"Are you ready to lose?" Theo smirked.

"I don't lose," Liam growled.

"You sure about that?"

Nolan smiled at them; they loved each other you could read it off their faces, the way they looked at each other, messed with each other, they were made for each other.

"Nolan, do you know how to play?"

"Uh, not really I never really had any gaming system," Nolan looked at them.

"I'll teach you; I didn't until a month ago either, and I'm still better than Liam," Theo smirked.

"You are not!" Liam yelped at him, wrestling the controller out of his hands.

Nolan sat down as Liam and Theo explained the game to him. They played a few rounds until they heard the other three at the door. Mason and Corey swung by the McCall house and picked up Alec since he's been living there with Melissa and Argent.

"Hey, Nolan," Alec sat down beside him. The boy seemed to have an attraction to him; he wasn't really sure why. It was probably because Nolan just stayed quiet as the boy rambled off his entire life story to him. The boy was fascinated by everything; he talked all the time. Nolan always listened; he liked the boy. He was even cute. Nolan even told him stuff about his life once in a while which he never did.

"Hey," Nolan smiled at the werewolf.

"How'd the calculus test go?" he asked the boy.

"I got an A," Nolan admitted, receiving a death glare from Liam.

"I knew you would, guess what I got an A too thanks to you," Alec smiled.

His pack didn't have him going to school, so the boy was years behind in academics. He was in basic math, but Nolan would tutor him during lunch. Liam asked him one day to do it, and he figured he could do it to make it up to the pack at least.

"That's great, Alec."

"What type of pizza do you guys want?" Theo asked them after Liam was complaining to him about being hungry.

"Whatever," Mason told him.

"Same," Corey told him.

"I'll eat anything," Alec nodded.

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