"If you don't care about the social aspect, you might as well be homeschooled" Alice finally looked up from her paper to fully pay attention to the conversation.

"Really Estella, look at you now! They even started calling you a marauder. They gave you one of their stupid nicknames!" Marlene chuckled, and I found myself blushing again, not knowing how to respond.

"If it makes you feel any better, he doesn't want to like you either" Lily piped up, and we all looked at her curiously.

"What do you mean?" I asked slowly, wondering what she knew.

"Well, he told me so. I was meant to keep this a secret, but I believe his exact words were 'I caught feelings' and 'I don't want to be her stupid boyfriend' blah blah blah" Lily spoke using air quotes.

"But the only reason he doesn't want to be her boyfriend is because he's never had a real girlfriend that he cares about" Alice shook her head.

"Which is another problem with liking him" I pointed out to them. Neither Sirius nor I know how to have a proper relationship.

"I'm ok with you liking Kace instead" Marlene joked, giving a small shrug. I playfully slapped her arm, secretly wondering if Kace will ever tell her the truth.

"Guys, the whole point of this conversation is that I don't want to like anyone AT ALL" I pointed out to them, shaking my head.

"Alright, alright, you do whatever you think is best" Lily put her hands up in defense.

"Don't give up so easily! Estella and Sirius would be so cute together!" Marlene whined.

"Oh, so I'm not cute by myself?" I defended, half-joking. Alice snorted and Lily giggled at my response.

"Estella!" She giggled, shoving me playfully. "You know what I mean!"

"I know, I know" I rolled my eyes, smiling at her. "I know you think Sirius and I would make a good couple, but I honestly don't think we would. We're just... different. We're fine as friends but I think a relationship would ruin everything. Especially because I don't think he's mature enough for one and I'm not ready for one" I shrugged. "It may be hard to believe but I quite enjoy being single" I huffed.

"Yea, alright. We'll see what you say after the wedding" Marlene chuckled, rolling her eyes slightly at my stubbornness. None of the other girls argued with this statement, but I decided I was done discussing it. I turned my head back towards the window and watched as we made our way back to King's Cross.


The girls and I immediately grabbed our bags the minute the train stopped. I walked right behind Lily as we made our way off the train and onto the platform, seeing as I would be staying with her for the next few days. As lily looked around the busy station for her family, I noticed Sadie jump off the train a few doors down and run over to our grandmother Griselda. Sadie looked delighted to see her, and I could tell she was talking non-stop, most likely about her newfound metamorphmagus abilities.

Griselda looked grim. She put a hand in Sadie's shoulder, spoke for a few seconds, and I watched as Sadie's face fell. Sadie had sent a letter to our grandmother telling her all about her abilities. She was so excited to be just like her. However, my grandmother replied with a short and simple letter stating that Sadie was to tell no one about these abilities and that they would talk about it more when she got home. Sadie didn't seem to understand why Griselda wasn't as excited, but I knew she was afraid. She was outcasted for her abilities. Our family name was shamed. We were once a respectable pure-blood family, and while we're still pure-blooded, many believe my grandmother is lying about her heritage and is actually a half-breed. She doesn't want the same fate for Sadie.

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