Part 0: Tiana

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The house was still smoking, the flames still cracking, rain was falling and Tiana's face was wet, she suddenly remembered everything that had happened. She slowly got up, covering wounds on her arm, and trying to ignore the burns on her legs, she looked at the house and said "My home...the memories are all burned in front of me...", she then started to look around for Grim. As she was looking she noticed a woman with long black hair, she got her sword out and shouted "Who are you!?", the girl turned around frightened and yelled back "Tiana calm down it's just me, Emma!". Tiana suddenly felt a burst of rage and yelled back "What the Hell happened, did you do this!?", Emma puts her hands in the air and said "No, I just saw the smoke, and I came to see what was wrong!". After hearing the, Tiana put her sword away, but still kept her guard up, "Where's Grim?" Tiana questioned, Emma looked down and said "I don't know, I came here looking for him, there wasn't any blood or anything, he's gone, probably ran off somewhere knowing him.". Tiana had felt a tear run down her eye, hearing that broke her heart, knowing Grim, he probably ran off to go fuck some random girls at a bar, he probably never loved her in the first place, Tiana quietly says "Oh...ok then...". Emma looks at Tiana and says "Suck it up Buttercup, guys are dicks", before then getting in a near by car and driving away. As the rain fell, and the sky only got darker, Tiana sat down to process this, she looked at the fire and thought more about Grim, before soon breaking out in tears, she had fallen and love, and felt happy for once, but that all broke that night.

The princess lost her prince

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