Part 19: Run Away

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Grim woke up, it was six in the morning, the sun was starting to rise, he didn't have any dreams, it was just darkness, so that was a good sign. As he woke up he grabbed onto his phone and checked to see if he had any notifications or texts from Tiana, as expected there was nothing, he grabbed onto his locket and got up. When he got up he started rummaging through a closet for a back pack, he soon found one with some headphone inside of it, he put the headphones into his phone and turned on some music, he then grabbed the photo of him and Tiana and put it in the bag. Grim looked under the bed for some guns, they weren't hard to find, he grabbed one and put it in the bag, along with some bullets, he then went outside and grabbed some food out of the kitchen and they went in the bag as well. He slowly headed towards the front door, he found a sleeping Emma next to some keys to cars, he quietly grabbed one and headed outside, it was time to run away.

Grim got in the car that had the matching key, it was a black jeep, it looked like it was maybe from the year 2009, either way it was a car. When Grim got inside it, he tried to get it running, it was quick to start, nothing seemed wrong with it, Grim must have been lucky for once in his never ending life, he started to drive away from the house, to the remains of his home. While he was driving, the sun started to rise faster and faster, giving his pathway light and waking him up a bit more, the drive wouldn't be to long, but still far from Emma and her home, he didn't hate Emma, he just wanted to be alone. Grim smiled and held onto his locket, smiling and saying "Well Tiana, if you are dead I'm sure you're watching me, and to that I gotta tell you thanks, you for once gave me some light in my life and honestly, I'd probably would have found some way to kill myself if it wasn't for you, and if you are still alive, then hopefully you'll find the house I'm gonna build!".

Soon enough Grim pulled up by the ashes of his old home, he parked where the parking spot would be and took the keys out of the car, he opened the door and breathed in, a small tear came from his eyes, he hoped Tiana could see him somewhere. Grim looked around and said "Well shit I should have brought a Axe!", he then remembered that his old room from before Tiana and him dated, had some tools, he went to go rummage through the ashes and wood, he eventually found the axe, but it's handle was shorten and from the fire, he could make it work. Once he retrieved the axe he knew it was time to start chopping through wood, he'd rebuild over the house, and make something similar to the old house, he never really knew how, but Tiana somehow made the house originally appear from thin air, as if it was some gift from a God. Soon the sun was fully out, and Grim knew it was time to get hard at work, it wouldn't be the same without Tiana, but he had her memory with him, and he knew he'd do some ritual so he could go to Hell and look around for her, he didn't know when or where, but he knew they'd meet again, some day. He soon went into the woods and began to chop away, his first task would be making a handle so chopping would be easier, this was it, he knew that this would mean something big one day, only thing that could tell was time.

GrimOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora