Part 20: The End

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A few days have gone and passed, Grim has been working hard and getting little sleep, the house has a few rooms done, the main one being His and Tiana's bedroom. Soon the winter would be rolling down and making things a lot harder, but he knew that he'd have the roof done soon enough. Grim had been feeling a lot more depressed and lonely, no voice in his head to comfort him, no shadows to just pass by and say "hi", but that didn't matter, he was already used to being alone, he had lived like this for thousands of years before. Tiana may be gone, but he had always reminded himself that she'd be in his heart and mind, he sometimes wondered if she ever even cared about him, was this maybe a suicide to escape him or run away? Sometimes his mind would get even darker then just that, he always wondered if maybe she's out there, cold and lost, looking for Grim, or if she's stuck in purgatory, wondering where he is and why he hasn't come to save her yet, but as always he tried to keep his mind off of it.

After a few hours of chopping down trees he got thirsty and walked into the forest by a small stream, he drank from it so he could feel refreshed and get energy back, but maybe he needed to actually rest. Grim decided that it was time to rest, it was unhealthy to just work without a break, and he smiled thinking about how mad Tiana would be, seeing him work constantly with no break besides an hour long nap. He opened the door to his new house, looking at the photo graph he had of him and Tiana hung on the wall, he thought it was funny how one small photo really made it feel like home, he knew that he didn't wanna leave this place, and if Tiana is still out there, she'd soon find this place, with that thought in mind he makes sure his door is always unlocked. His bed was nothing more then just some wood with lots leaves on it, something that may seem bad at first, but it was comfortable, like jumping into a leaf pile. Grim laid down in his bed, he put his locket on a small little table next to the bed, he looked up at the stars, the one thing he liked about not having a ceiling was the stars, this was his life now, he smiled thinking more about Tiana, but it soon went to a frown, he wanted to be laying next to her, nobody else but her, he may had been smiling for these past few days, but he wasn't happy at all, a happy thought wouldn't fix the fact that the love of his life was gone. As he closed his eyes and rolled over, he knew that this was it now, he'd be stuck like this for centuries, but so be it, Grim closed his eyes and thought about Tiana, he sat on a bench with her and just talked, he soon went to sleep.

The End.

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