Part 18: A Night of Grief

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Emma and Grim had arrived home after hours of being out, Grim clenched onto his new golden locket, he looked at Emma and said to her "Thanks for this, it means a lot", before she could reply, Grim left the car to go inside. Grim went straight to his room and closed the door, he put the small framed photo on his shelf, and put the locket on around his neck, he looked out his window and watched the sun set. After awhile the sun had reached a point where it could no longer be seen, it was at this point that Grim decided to do something he hadn't done in centuries. Grim put the locket between his hands and clenched them together, he closed his eyes and opened his mouth, he began by saying "God, I know that I've rejected you for all these years, I know that I've been rude and honestly just horrible, but please if Tiana is gone and if she is with you, let me see her, please God open the gates for me one last time and let me see her, that's all I want God...Amen.". When Grim finished, he looked at himself in the shattered mirror, he then started to grow a rage and began to punch the shattered mirror more, cutting his hands in the process, he yelled out "Who am I kidding, he'd never do that for me, it's been so damn long since I've seen God that I don't even know if he's still alive!".

After awhile of punching the mirror and screaming, he soon calmed down and cried more, he sat down in a chair and wiped his tears off, and he grabbed a guitar out of the closet. Touching this gave him so many memories of his younger ages, when Hope died he gave the guitar to Emma in a way of trying to let go quickly so he wouldn't mourn so long, Grim was a brick wall then, and he knew that he'd never let Tiana go. Grim tilted the guitar and a pick fell out that he had always kept in it, he then started to tune it a little bit, he was surprised that it was still in such good condition, it was such an old acoustic guitar. After tuning it, Grim got ready to try and play, he tried to play a little tune he used to know, he screwed it up badly, he said to himself "It's alright let's try again.", he tries it again and screws up more, he then says to himself "Ok maybe we should just do a strum.", when Grim strummed his guitar one of the wires broke. Grim looked at the broken wire and his hands began to shake, he throws the guitar at the wall and yells into a pillow, "I can't do anything right at all!" He yelled into his pillow, he decided that maybe he just needed sleep, he laid down onto his bed and clenched onto his new locket saying "Good night Tiana, I miss you", before then drifting off to sleep.

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