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The sad part was that normally when something upsetting came up, she called Sean.

She needed him to get through times like these, but the fact of the matter is that this time things were different.

She didn't know how to feel.

How should she feel?

She wanted to crawl into a hole and stay there for a few days, only to be met with a brand new life when she broke out.

But that was too unrealistic.

The only other thing that kept her mind at ease, besides Sean, was dancing.

So with that she called up to Millenium and booked whatever class was open on such short notice.

She wasn't familiar with the choreographer, but he seemed awestruck when he noticed her walk in the room.

Like she was too good to be taking class from someone like him.

Too bad she didn't even know his name well enough to promote his work.

They were dancing to Hurt Somebody by Noah Kahan, and the song immediately brought tears to Kaycee's eyes.

What're the odds that a song that tells her exact story is being played right before her.

She listened closely to the lyrics...

Taking it slowly
I'm afraid to be lonely
Nobody told me
It's harder than I thought to tell the truth.

It brought her back to the question of...do I confess how I feel or not?

It's gonna leave you in pieces
All alone with your demons
And I know that we need this
But I've been too afraid to follow through.

The choreographer had them sit down and take in the entire song. To get in the mindset of being hurt and not knowing how to get yourself out. Lucky for him, kaycee was already in that mindset.

Hold me close and I won't leave
Cause it hurts when you hurt somebody
So much to say but I don't speak
And I hate that I let you stop me
Cause it hurts when you hurt somebody

When the song stopped, she was taken back. She didn't realize how much she actually related until the dance was put together with the music to tell the story.

But the crazy thing was...it felt like her story.

Toward the end of class she got asked to perform it for the camera. She knew she was gonna cry. This dance spoke volumes to what she was going through, and she could help but express that.

She poured her heart and soul into it, and as soon as the cheers stared to diminish, she glanced behind her to see him watching in the window.

He was watching her dance her heart out, with rivers of tears pouring down her face, and when she turned around he had a few dropping down his cheeks in unison with hers.

Class ended, and when she walked outside to grab her things and head out he was standing there looking lost.

Sean: "that was amazing"

Kaycee: "thanks, I really felt that one"

She pretended to laugh. She just wanted to seem okay.

Sean: "can you tell me why?"

Kaycee: "what do you mean?"

Sean: "why'd you feel it so much?"

Kaycee: "he told us to get in the mindset of being hurt, and I tried my best."

Sean: "so you promise you're not actually hurt?"

Kaycee: "I told you, I'm fine. I didn't even know you were taking a class today...you usually tell me"

Sean: "Bailey found a partner class and she wanted to try it out so I figured I'd give it a shot"

Kaycee: "...oh, well have fun"

Sean: "you don't wanna stay? we can all head out to eat afterwards"

Kaycee: "sounds amazing, but I uh...I have to get ready for bed. I signed up for Matt's 8 am class at Studio V tomorrow morning so"

Sean: "kaycee..."

Kaycee: "yeah?"

Sean: "I won't take the class with Bailey"

Kaycee: "what why?! you paid for it"

Sean: "I couldn't care less about the money. I care about you, and I feel like you're not being yourself. Where's your smile?"

Kaycee: "to be honest...I don't know. I feel like someone took it and stomped on it, but in the end it's my fault cause I didn't express my feelings."

Sean: "I asked about your smile...not your heart. But I'm starting to assume that wasn't just acting in there."

Just then Bailey came rushing to his side.

Bailey: "class is about to start...oh and hey kayc!"

Kaycee: "hey! I uh...I was just leaving. Have fun tonight guys"

Before Sean could stop her she was out the door and he was being pulled the opposite direction.

Bailey: "was she okay?"

Sean: "she claimed she was but, I know her better than that and she's not acting right"

Bailey: "I can tell it's worrying you"

Sean: "well she's my best friend, I don't want her upset...especially if I'm the cause"

Bailey: "why?! You think you are?"

Sean: "there's no other plausible reason...it has to be me"

Bailey: "what'd you even do wrong?"

Sean: "it's a long story, not worth talking about"

Bailey: "we're dating now Sean...you're supposed to tell me these things, especially if it's about another girl"

Sean: "I promised kaycee our friendship wouldn't change because of us, and it's not gonna."

Bailey: "I didn't say it had to...my bad"

Sean: "I'm sorry for getting worked up, I'm just worried about her"

Bailey: "we're going over there tomorrow night for the music video anyway, it'll all be good. Trust me."

He took a deep breath and focused in on the material he was being taught but he couldn't get her out of his head.

He knew it was his fault. She felt like she was losing him, and that's the last thing he wanted.

But he finished out the class with a smile on his face, eagerly waiting for tomorrow night.

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