Chapter 3: Saturdays

Start from the beginning

"Almost, Tai-chama!" Ikeda gleefully replied.

Takashi watched as the kindergartners gave Taiji a tiny ponytail on the side of her head.

"New look?" Takashi teased, "It looks horrible on you."

Taiji glared at her older brother, "Shut up!" 

"I think Nee-chan looks very nice!" Taro interrupted as he hugged her leg.

"Thank you!" Taiji smile as she picked up Taro, "See? Even Taro has more class than you!"

"Baka," Takashi laughed as he left the garden.


Oikawa swore he felt like a creep as he walked to Takashi's daycare.

What's worse is that his parents had convinced him to take his nephew along.

Usually, Oikawa would be thrilled to bring Takeru around, but having him along this time was going to be awkward.

"Toru," the little boy called out, "Where are we going?"

Oikawa wracked his brain for an excuse but came up with none.

"Are we going to see Tai-san?" He bounced up and down, "Are we? Are we?"

The male captain sighed, even he could tell?

"We are, just don't tell her."

"Is Tai-san your new girlfriend?" Takeru looked up to Oikawa, "You've known her for so long!"

"Don't say nonsense like that," Oikawa gave him a light smack on the head, "Taiji is not my girlfriend."

"Why not? Did she reject you?"

"I don't like Taiji that way, Takeru," Oikawa sighed, "Besides, I'm way out of her league!"

"Tai-san is the one who's out of your league, Toru."


But soon, Oikawa came to a halt as he heard a familiar voice.

"Are you done with my hair?"

"Almost, Tai-chama!"

Oikawa turned his head, to be greeted by the image of Taiji with a mini pigtail on the side of her head.

Much to his surprise, his first impression was 'Cute'.

And just like that, he grabbed his phone to take a picture of Taiji with Taro in her arms.

He watched for a few more seconds as she bantered with her brothers.

There it was, the feeling in Oikawa's chest that he couldn't explain.

"Ooh, it's Tai-san!" Takeru exclaimed, "Let's go talk to her!"

Hearing her name, Taiji turned her head towards the two boys.

"Oh, Takeru, Tooru," Taiji grinned, "What are you guys doing here?"

"Oika-chama!" Taro waved his little hands.

Oikawa was about to give a half-assed excuse when Takeru interrupted him.

"Toru wanted to see you!" The little boy exclaimed.

"Hey!" The tall male exclaimed, "I told you not to say anything!"

Oikawa met Taiji's eyes sheepishly, "I tried texting you earlier, but you weren't replying."

"He was acting all upset!" Takeru butted in again.


The tall male expected some sort of teasing from Taiji, but was met with the sound of her laugh, to his delight.

"Sorry, " Taiji stopped laughing, "I left my phone in my bag, so I missed your text."

Oikawa swore he felt something.

It had been around for some time. But the feeling was deeper this time

Maybe it was Taiji's expression? Or her laugh?

It all felt different for some reason.

"Do you wanna come in and hang out?" Taiji offered, "You did come all this way."

The tall captain sighed, "Sure, I've got nothing better to do anyways."

"I'm sure Taro wants to play with you, Takeru."



As Oikawa laid in bed right before he slept, he decided to look through his photos.

Seeing the picture of Taiji that he had taken, He smiled.

Something had changed.

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