“But you aren’t married and you were underage.” she interrupted, uncomfortable to hear it.

   “It wasn’t the first time and it isn’t a big deal, it was just two people having sex.” I shrugged, continuing. “On Monday morning I had to go to the school with my mum to have a meeting with the headmistress before class and I had the biggest hangover headache ever, I looked like I’d been beaten up with two black eyes what were bloodshot and I wanted to throw up everywhere.” I described.

        I took another drag of my joint while she continued to listen and watch me absorbedly.

   “I remember putting on sunglasses so they wouldn’t notice. The headmistress went through all of the school rules- no truanting, no using drugs in or around school and stuff like that, then she read through my time table and sent me off to my first class which was English.

          When I got to my English class I was told to sit next to a lad called Danny and he realised straight away how hungover I was and tried not to bother me too much. Next we had Maths where we were sat together again but we still didn’t make much conversation then after walking around alone for the fifteen minutes of break time I had P.E where I got into an argument with the P.E teacher because I didn’t want to do exercise so he sent me off to the heads office with a red slip of paper. Red slips were like detention or suspension warrants and it wasn’t a good idea to show the head that you’d received one of these especially after just three lessons in the school.

          I didn’t end up at the heads office because I bumped into Danny who was supposedly on his way to the toilet.  He led me astray by convincing me to go get stoned with him behind the trees in the playing field.

          We sort of ended up snogging and soon after that when attending my first acting lesson at the school I learnt that Danny had a girlfriend who as a popular but very jealous kind of girl. She never forgave me for that one little kiss although she was perfectly happy to forgive Danny even though I wouldn’t have been alone with him or stoned at school that day if it wasn’t for him.” I explained.

   “A few weeks later Ryan had his chance to try out for the Liverpool’s under eighteen’s football team so I skipped two lessons (P.S.H.E and R.E) to go and support him and he made the team. I doubt I missed anything in the lessons I missed” I shrugged.

   “I had gotten to know the two main drug dealers quite well by then since I had started smoking weed twice a week sometimes three times. They were called Claire and Sara, they looked like they could be sisters but they weren’t at all related.

          It was lucky that they had totally different dress senses or I would have found it very difficult to tell them apart. Claire dressed like a nerd with her top button did up and big thick glasses etcetera. Where as Sara dressed in short skirts and tops that revealed her belly button piercing etc.

          They liked me because I was rich and willing to pay prices higher than what the other kids paid. They encouraged me to try other drugs like Ecstasy and Cocaine because they know once you’ve tried them eventually you’ll be on to the serious drugs like Heroin.” I explained.

   “That’s horrible, how do they live with themselves?” Faith commented.

   “It’s not as bad as it sounds; they are really nice and pleasant lasses.” I justified. remembering them more fondly than I should. “The week before the Christmas holiday was a few weeks after that and the Performing Arts school gave out a school report at the end of each term so a lot of the students were behaving erratically (which probably wasn’t helped by the fact that most of them were druggies) because their parents would probably not keep their kid in a school that they had to pay for where their getting bad results in the tests they made us do. Most of them weren’t even anything to do with the GCSEs but were made by the school to keep track of us.

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