13 - A Very Cute Ferret

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Didn't stop me from muttering "hypocrite" under my breath, though; and 'accidentally' slamming them with my bag as I passed.

That night, I dreamt of perfectly chiseled cheeks, tousled dark hair and bright grey eyes.



Only one day into our fourth year and Draco managed to piss off a teacher and get himself turned into a ferret.

The day had started off pretty predictably.

"You're not really going to start dating him, are you?"

I rolled my eyes as Draco dished scrambled egg onto my plate. There was a slight look of panic in his eyes and I wondered if he feared that I was going to do to him like he did to me.

"Please, can we not go on about it?" I sighed heavily, pouring us both a pumpkin juice.

"Everyone fancies Cedric," Pansy cooed, looking over to the Hufflepuff table, gooey eyed, "he's really dreamy, and the way he flies that broom-"

"All right, all right, I get it," Draco muttered bitterly; a furious scowl etched upon his face. "Diggory is a bloody god; let's all worship him and bow down at his perfect Hufflepuff feet."

"I wonder how big his feet are?" I mused as I glanced across over at the Hufflepuff table, but unfortunately being unable to see Cedric's feet in view.

"You know, there is such thing as being too obsessed!" Draco spat, his cheeks colouring furiously.

"Oh, really?" I smirked, "So tell me, Drac; how is Harry Potter today?"

"He hasn't come down yet," Draco answered, not even realising the trap he'd just walked into. "Which is odd because he's usually halfway through his breakfast by this ti- what's so fucking funny?!"

"Chill, Drac," I chuckled, "or should I just call you Mrs Potter?"

He threw a piece of toast at me and so I flung a forkful of scrambled egg back, which missed him and splattered in Pansy's hair.

She cried, of course.


It had been a long day of lessons, including one where we had spent the entire duration trying to avoid getting viciously attacked by one of Hagrid's Blast-Ended Skrewts. Creatures of which he intended for us to rear over the year.

"Well, I can certainly see why we're trying to keep them alive," Draco had bit sarcastically. "Who wouldn't want pets that can burn, sting and bite all at once?"

For once I didn't argue with him; because even for Hagrid this was just beyond idiocy. I was beginning to wonder if Dumbledore even gave a rat's arse about the health and safety of his students.

So, by the time dinnertime came around, I was ready to have a quick, uneventful meal before retiring down into the dungeons to chill with my magazine.

But Draco had other ideas.

"Weasley! Hey, Weasley!"

"That was right in my ear!" I hissed grumpily as we made our way into the Great Hall.

But Draco wasn't listening, instead, he was gleefully removing a copy of the Daily Prophet from inside his robes and brandishing it in the air for everyone, including the golden trio over at the Gryffindor table, to see.

"What?" Ron Weasley spat, his fork hovering in midair, clearly annoyed he was being interrupted during feeding time.

"Your dad's in the paper, Weasley!" Draco continued loudly as he unfolded the offending item. "Listen to this!"

Blaire Zabini || Draco Malfoy Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora