18 An Attack on Farven

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"Everyone on the train. Get comfortable. " Ruder commanded softly. " Pass food out, and enjoy it. " He added. He seemed almost normal.

Tye watched as they passed him. He stayed still. It was obvious that Ruder didn't want to be alone. He was still his brother, so he stayed. " You okay Ruder?" He asked once they were alone.

" Fine. Just... Conflicted. " He sighed. He took Tye's hand, and walked down a ways. The two of them sat by the tracks, and watched the woods. " Can.. I have some of the baklava?" He asked quietly.

"Yep. Say ah!" Tye said cheerily.

Rud r blushed deeply, but opened his mouth just as Tye shoved a piece in. He chewed it slowly letting the flavor set in. " Delicious. "

" Right?" Tye asked softly. " Ruder. Please...  Stay like this. It's so peacful. It's nice. "

" I can't. I've already come this far. It'll be for nothing if I stop now. "

" We'll all die if you don't. The humans who help werewolves and creatures, and the ones who hunt them. The creatures and wolves themselves. It will all explode. Who knows what would happen. " Tye said softly.

" I see Gaagii has been back again. Stupid crow. " Ruder huffed.

" He is a Raven. " Tye corrected.

" Is he back for good? I thought I beat him out if you growing up. It made me sad. I thought your never be able to be like us. " Ruder said softly.

" For a while you did. He went away so you wouldn't do it anymore. But, that doesn't matter. Jason helped me get even stronger. He showed me that I don't have to care if I'm human. I can be strong. "

" I tried. But, I'm just not good at that. I can't be like that. " He looked away. " So I stay mad, and annoyed, and broken. "

" One day, you won't have to. I'll save you. " Tye said determinedly.

" Please try. Maybe I'll finally rest peacfully. Sleep without getting paranoid. I'm not the same. It been a long time coming, but no one was able to stop it. " He laughed. " To bad. I like being this way now. " He shrugged. " I can't be nice forever. I'm addicted to your pain. I love it. I love you. But, you still don't live me hmm?"

Tye was quiet for a moment. " That depends on what you mean by love. How you define it. As a brother I live you endlessly. As a lover I don't. I can't. I have a mate. "

" Who won't mark you! Who won't let you be with him! Even Gaagii can't get him to can he?!" The anger was overflowing.

" He doesn't know about Gaagii!" He shouted. " Gaagii asked me not to say! "

Ruder's eyes suddenly clouded over.  " Stop talking. Now. Not another word. He won't remember anything after you saying you can't love him like that.  This is the only chance I might have. Just shut up Tye. Go back to acting. Get on the train. Do as Gaagii says. " The spirit hissed. Then it vanished.

Tye watched the woods. Like nothing happened.

" That's enough conversation. Just go get on the train. " Ruder said with hurt in his voice.

" Yes Ruder. " Tye said softly leaving the sweets behind with his brother.
"Gaagii. What the fuck was that? Answer me you winged bastard. "

" His wolf. He's been suppressed for such a long time. You brought the walls down long enough to speak with him. Keep him from exploding, and keep me a secret mostly. Just lay low. Do as he says for the time being. We'll get through it together. "

" Promise?"

" Promise what exactly?"

" That I can save him."

She's My Cliche ( Alpha Taming )Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang