I look at him and he looks at me and shrugs not knowing what's going on either.

"Ok gabby how about you go to your room and mommy's gonna come up to talk to you ok?" She nods and hugs me then Fp then walks up the stairs.

I don't know what to say to her.

"I'll be back let you guys talk."

I lean to fps ear.

"I'm so sorry." I whisper

"It's no problem she's a kid." He whispers back and kisses my check.

I quickly walk out the room not knowing what to do.

I don't like that fps lying to Amy she seem sweet but there has to be a reason so I just go with it.

I walk upstairs to gabbys room not ready for this talk I take a deep breath before walking in.

"Hey baby." She looks up at me.

"Hi mommy." She smiles.

I sit on the floor and start talking.

"So baby why'd you call Fp your daddy earlier?" I just cut to the chase she is very smart I don't need to cut any corners.

"I don't know." She shrugs.

"Are you sureee you don't know or do you just no what to tell mommy?" She puts her head down.

"I love you mommy lots and lots...but I want a daddy." I start to tear up and grad her hands.

"Aw baby....I'm sorry I love you lots and lots to."

"I'm I ever going to get a daddy?" She cry's and I bring her and put her into my lap.

"Baby you have a daddy he's just not around.."

"I'm I ever going to see him?"

"Maybe pumpkin maybe one day."

"Can Fp be my new daddy?" She's asks and I look a little shocked.

"I don't think so baby." She starts crying.

I had no idea how she was this attached to him already.

"Does he not like gabby?" She asks in between cry's.

"Oh yes of course he does I bet he likes gabby lots and lots!"

"Do you like Fp?" She smiles

"Yea he's cool." I shrug.

"No silly do you like him like him?" I look at her and give her a funny face.

"What do you know about liking someone.?" I tickle her and she laughs.

"I'm vewy smart mommy I know lots!" I laugh at her.

"Do you now?"


"So do you like him?" She grabs my face and I chuckle at her.

"Hmm...I don't know...maybe just a little bit." Her eyes light up.

"Ohhh...Fp mommy likes youuuuu." She's she's looks behind her I think for a second then my eyes go wide when I hear a voice behind me.

"So I hear." I can hear the smirk on his face.

I don't turn around because I know my cheeks are dark red.

gabby gets up and walks to the door.

"Do you like her?"

"Ok gabby time for bed." I stand up and grab her.

"But mommy I was taking."

"You can talk tomorrow." I tuck her in.

Fp walks over to us and whispers something in gabbys ear and she laughs.

"Ok." She nods and closes her eyes.

"Love you baby!" I kiss her cheek.

"I love you to mommy."

"Goodnight gabby." Fp says.


I stand up again and walk to the door with Fp after making sure all the curtains and windows where shut.

"So you like me huh?" Fp smiles.

"Don't get so full of yourself I was just trying to cheer her up." I roll my eyes.

"So what happened after you know?" He asked.

"I'll tell you later...where's Amy?" He looked confused for a second then remembered that Gladys name was really Amy.

"With the boys I wanted to give them some privacy but I'm gonna go check on them."

"Ok I'll be in my room when your done." I walk away.

It's been about an hour and I got in the shower even though I'm supposed to be monitored when taking one I felt strong enough to do it myself which was a bad idea cause now I feel very weak I can't ever get dressed I just sit on the bed with my towel on.

I hear the door open and Fp quickly covers his eyes.

"I'm sorry!"

I hope you like it!❤️❤️

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