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            War fields were made divisions were set and lives were loss... "This way run" a young man in his young adulthood live yelled as everyone ran towards their safe zone. Everyone in their team was dressed head to toe in used ragged looking clothing either in hoodies and some jean pants. "I need eyes..." The young man said as he set down an elderly in a seat "The kids finally figured out how to get an actual dimension rip to work... we can leave..." His partner said as the young man nods "Get everyone out..." He advised as two of his close friends left and started to collect the people "the rest of us will bomb the bridge to buy us time..." He said as they all looked uncertain with such decision "Time to blow it up" A female said as they left in a pick up with several explosives.

A Year Later... A young girl of seventeen dressed in a dark hoodie and dark blue jeans sat in her silence of the Mills End— Portland, Oregon her most vivid memory of peace was her sweet sixteen when she traveled out of the country. Now she is constantly on the run, orphaned, and has matured on her own with no much guidance or anyone to call family.

It was not too long-ago parks were a place for fun and games with family filled with all ages and I use to live in that small penthouse just up there. I would look out the window wondering what happens next "Mommy when will James come home?" I heard a small boy say as he walked away with his mother hand in hand "I'm not sure bub but I know he's ok" She responded as I look up slightly my cap still covering my face. The generation war or written in their history books the 'modern war' was not too long ago— smoke bombs everywhere, stick batons, armor, task forces, it was a big game of strengths and odds our generation against the older generation not all from my generation disappeared as you can see only the ones who chose to run to the city... our city... our founder spent the time during the war looking for a place for us to hide a place to stay in as we grew in number and lived in our own peace most agreed to go others decided to stay behind and watch over the past generation after all we share the same world.

"You ready?" I heard my partner say as I gave off a slight smile before getting up from the park bench "Yeah I've seen enough" I huffed as we tightened our caps and held on to our jackets as we began our walk back to the city. The war was unnecessary truly but like many we saw life different we may not be heroes right now but we are also not fugitives on the run as we are a society that has learned the mistakes and now is trying to rebuild in our own little way. If you can call a whole new city away from the original one little "You got to leave the package this time?" I asked my partner as he huffed as he slowly showed me the letter "Liam this is the fifth time you have chickened out" I whispered angrily at him as we took a turn down the ally-way "I know but what if we get found what if my letter endangers the entire society?" He questioned as I just looked ahead, I have thought about that too that what if... just what if— Liam's parents find the letter and tell on the entire society or if his cousins the unescaped get caught there's a lot of wrong that can happen if were not careful. We stopped at a back door giving it four taps and a kick soon being opened by Mark we rushed in quickly as not to be seen Liam ignoring everyone he makes his way up to the loft "He couldn't do it can he?" Mia asked as I shook my head pursing my lips together.

We have been at the point house for the second week now trying to get the unescaped out, the unescaped are the set of youngest in our society that has not escaped since they are still being dictated by their elders and we couldn't just abduct young children from their families though we were careful on who we informed incase the child we took told the wrong people "We have a new hit..." Isaac informed me as he handed the file.

"Thirteen-year-old Mason... he agreed and wants to be picked up lunch time at the park—"

"Isaac did you just say thirteen-years-old?" I asked closing the file.

The City of Rebellion - Fugitives on the RunWhere stories live. Discover now